MATLAB6.0 数学手册
MATLAB6.0数学手册 (coefficients Mathematics Handbook coefficients Mathematics Handbook)
- 2007-07-02 10:27:51下载
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Introduction to Kalman Filter
- 2013-11-04 19:09:01下载
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synchronous motor matlab simulink
- 2013-12-19 01:02:14下载
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对Hopfield网络进行仿真(Design of Hopfield network Hopfield network emulation)
- 2007-07-11 17:54:37下载
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说明: 函数子程序,用于多分辨率分解,使用 A trous 算法;
和原数据有着同样的长度。(Function, subroutine, for multi-resolution decomposition, the use of A' trous algorithm in the decomposition process, and gives details of all levels and profiles, they have the same and the length of the original data.)
- 2021-01-15 21:58:45下载
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matlab包括最基本的语音处理程序(如谱减法,谱幅度估计,语谱图等)以及语音库(Located in this Prentice Hall web site compartment are functions, scripts, workspaces, and data required by the MATLAB exercises in the text: Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing: Principles and Practice. Note that the speech files given are often specific cases of a certain class of speech signal, i.e., the waveforms often can be replaced by other examples with similar characteristics that serve the instructive purpose of the exercise.)
- 2013-07-16 20:56:05下载
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一本用于matlab学习的电子书籍,对初学者有很大的帮助。(A book to learn matlab, electronic books, has a great help for beginners.
- 2013-11-18 14:45:47下载
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一本介绍如何进行差错控制编码实际仿真的书籍(包括所有配套的matlab仿真代码)(A book describes how to do an actual simulation for error control coding (including all supporting matlab simulation code))
- 2021-02-10 22:39:52下载
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本代码是matlab程序,用于模拟带电粒子在电磁场中的相对论运动。利用Boris的差分格式求解相对论牛顿-洛伦兹方程。(This code treats with the problem that the motion of charged particle in electromagnitic field. The simulation method is solving the Relativity Newton-Lorentz equation. Boris has developed a computing method for this equation and we accept it in this code.)
- 2014-10-31 18:11:34下载
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Filtro notch para preoprocesamiento
- 2013-05-16 15:18:52下载
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