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于 2009-01-14 发布 文件大小:1753KB
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  对图形图像进行切割的算法,此算法还可以用与聚类(Graphic images of cutting algorithms, this algorithm can be used with clustering)





0 个回复

  • pca
    This code use Principle Component Analysis(PCA)for feature extraction
    2013-10-10 19:52:17下载
  • sgalssvm
    标准的遗传算法优化最小二乘支持向量机,能很好的实现参数寻优功能(Standard genetic algorithm optimization least squares support vector machines, can achieve good functional parameter optimization)
    2021-01-15 14:58:46下载
  • MATLABchebhigh2cheblow1
    自己做的: (一)用双线性变换法设计并用实验系统实现一个三阶的契比雪夫Ⅰ型低通数字滤波器,其采样频率Fs =8KHz,1DB通带边界频率为fp=2KHz。 (二)用双线性变换法设计并用实验系统实现一个三阶的契比雪夫Ⅱ型高通数字滤波器,其采样频率Fs =16KHz,阻带边界频率为fst =4KHz,As=20dB。 ((A) design using the bilinear transformation method and the experimental system of a third-order Chebyshev low-pass type Ⅰ digital filter, the sampling frequency Fs = 8KHz, 1DB passband boundary frequency is fp = 2KHz. (B) Bilinear transformation method used to design and use of the experimental system of a third-order Chebyshev type Ⅱ high-pass digital filter, the sampling frequency Fs = 16KHz, stopband boundary frequency fst = 4KHz, As = 20dB.)
    2009-05-05 14:13:46下载
  • MATLABchengxujiekou
    MATLAB与外部程序接口编程,包括C/C++,java等等。(MATLAB external interface programming, including the C/C++,java, and so on.)
    2012-03-25 19:12:12下载
  • SPL2007
    bivariate EMD( illustration, mean definitions, principle , distretch)
    2015-02-03 00:41:10下载
  • PMSG_SPWM_MPPT_Control
    Permanent magnet synchronous generator wind energy conversion with SPWM
    2016-06-27 22:11:11下载
  • Envelop1.1
    对于信号的包络提取CWDM波形特征新方法的研究,可以有效地提取含杂音信号的包络。便于后续研究。(Extraction of the envelope for the signal waveform characteristics of the new method CWDM research can effectively extract the envelope of the signal with noise. Facilitate follow-up study.)
    2010-07-30 23:04:13下载
  • IMF1
    我自己做的一个EMD的算法,大家可以下载参考(I have do an EMD algorithm, everyone can download it)
    2009-04-01 11:05:32下载
  • oqpsk
    通信系统中的OQPSK,并且与QPSK相比较。matlab实现(Communication Systems OQPSK, and compared with QPSK. matlab achieve)
    2021-03-09 09:19:28下载
  • spectrumsensingincognitiveradiobasedonenergydetect
    认知无线电是一种用于提高无线电通信频谱利用率的新的智能技术. 首先简述认知无线电的背景和概念,针 对认知无线电的频谱感知功能,详细地分析基于能量检测的频谱检测方法,在此基础上研究了噪声方差的不确定 性对检测性能的影响. 针对无线信号检测具有本地局域性和能量检测存在信噪比极限的特点,提出一种分布式有 限合作检测机制,推导出基于“OR”规则的有限合作机制的检测概率,并进行Monte Carlo仿真.(Cognitive radio is a radio communications spectrum used to improve the efficiency of the new smart technology. First, the background and outlined the concept of cognitive radio, spectrum sensing for cognitive radio capabilities, a detailed analysis of the spectrum based on energy detection test In this study the noise variance based on the uncertainty of the detection performance. for wireless signal detection with local detection of localized and there is signal to noise ratio limit of the energy characteristics of a distributed cooperative detection mechanism, derived out based on " OR" rules of the detection probability of the limited cooperation mechanism and conduct Monte Carlo simulation.)
    2010-05-08 09:17:57下载
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