书名:[MATLAB语言常用算法程序集].(龚纯).清晰版 内容:插值,函数逼近,特征值计算,数值微分,数值积分,方程求根,非线性方程组求解,线性方程组的直接法,线性方程组的的迭代法,随机数生成,特殊函数计算,常微分方程的初值问题,偏微分方程的数值解法,数据统计和分析。(Title: [MATLAB algorithms commonly used in assembly language]. (Gong pure). Clearer view of the contents: interpolation, function approximation, eigenvalue calculation, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, finding roots of equations, nonlinear equations, linear equations group, direct, linear equations of the iterative method, random number generation, calculation of special functions, initial value problems for ordinary differential equations, numerical solution of partial differential equations, statistics and analysis.)