matlab通信仿真及应用,还有很多应用程序。对初学都很有好处(matlab cominication sumlik)
- 2009-10-29 21:56:15下载
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新PROSPECT可模拟多色素信息叶片光谱特征(new PROSPECT can model multiple leaf pigment information spectra)
- 2014-08-18 17:37:39下载
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高阶谱分析工具箱(HOSA)中choices函数。(HOSA tool box s demo will call a function name choices.
Copy this file to one of your MATLEB search path to fix the choices problem. )
- 2013-09-04 07:51:20下载
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多GPS天线姿态确定程序,包括文件读取、单点定位、双差定位、坐标转换以及姿态确定等。(a MATLAB toolbox for determining the attitude of a rigid platform
by means of multiple non-dedicated antennas using global positioning system is presented.
The programs embedded in this toolbox cover the RINEX data analysis, single point positioning,
differential positioning, coordinate conversion, attitude determination, and other auxiliary functions.)
- 2021-04-28 20:38:43下载
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经典的莫泰识别分析软件 diamond,在matlab平台下(diamond matlab toolbox)
- 2014-01-22 19:30:12下载
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matlab例程,用于计算任意层数平板波导结构。其中slabexec为主程序,readme中有程序使用的详细说明。可以计算任意层数的平板波导结构的有效折射率,光场分布和远场分布。(matlab routines used to calculate the arbitrary layer slab waveguide structure. Which mainly slabexec procedures, readme has procedures used in detail. Can calculate the arbitrary layers of planar waveguide structure of the effective refractive index, optical field distribution and far-field distribution.)
- 2007-08-14 21:16:56下载
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R2015b_win64 Crack
Matlab R2015B Win64 Crack
- 2017-09-08 12:11:34下载
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验证加密的混沌性质,和恢复波形(apply chaotic encryption and decryption to wav
apply AES encryption and decryption to wav)
- 2020-11-12 00:09:44下载
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说明: 光伏发电模型,能实现光伏最大功率点跟踪,可以跑出仿真(Photovoltaic power generation model can realize maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic)
- 2020-06-20 18:40:02下载
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脑电(EEG)是一种反映大脑活动的生物电信号,由于它具有很高的时变敏感性,在采集时极易受到外界的干扰。如眼球运动、眨眼、心电、肌电等都会给真实的脑电信号加入噪声(伪迹)。这些噪声给脑电信号的分析处理带来了很大的困难。从剔除EEG中的各种伪迹到去除噪声的效果评估研究者们都提出了很多方法。本文提出matlab除各种脑电信号伪伪迹减法( As a kind of physiological signals, the Electroencephalogram(EEG)represents the electrical activity of the brain. Because of its higher time-vary sensitivity, EEG is susceptible to many artifacts, such as eye-movements, blinks, cardiac signals, muscle noise. These noises in recording Electroencephalogram(EEG)pose a major embarrassment for EEG interpretation and disposal. A number of methods have been proposed to overcome this problem, ranging from the rejection of various artifacts to the effect estimate of removing artifacts. )
- 2009-12-22 11:58:47下载
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