说明: 资料是本人根据相关文献资料用vhdl语言编写的旋转机械鉴相信号倍频的程序,multifre1.vhd是倍频程序,multifre1.vwf是仿真波形文件,stp1.stp是虚拟逻辑分析仪signaltap文件。该倍频程序可以直接使用,可以设置倍频数,修改实体参数N即可。(According to the literature data is the information I have written in with vhdl Rotating Machinery Kam believe that the procedure multiplier number, multifre1.vhd is the multiplier process, multifre1.vwf is the simulation waveform files, stp1.stp a virtual logic analyzer signaltap file. The multiplier process can be used directly, you can set the multiplier number, modify the parameter N can be solid.)