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于 2008-11-25 发布 文件大小:2KB
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说明:  用C语言实现图像的平滑,锐化及双线性内插算法的实现,效果很好(Using C language to achieve image smoothing, sharpening and bilinear interpolation algorithm to achieve good results)





0 个回复

  • Binarization-Transformation
    图像处理源程序,实现二值化变换,经一幅图像灰度化后,变成二值化图像,包括大津法、最大类间方差法、一般阈值法、及文本识别最有用的Niblack法(Image processing program and realized binarization transformation, after by a gray-scale image into binary image, including the Otsu method, Otsu method, the general threshold, and text to identify the most useful Niblack method)
    2011-11-19 09:53:11下载
  • fire
    对火焰图像进行二值化 边缘检测 链码提取 并计算火焰图像的面积和周长 绝对好用!(Binarization flame image edge detection chain code extraction and absolutely easy to calculate the area and perimeter of the flame image!)
    2013-01-05 16:08:10下载
  • CS
    说明:  SAR-CS成像算法实现,包含运动补偿,速度估计,对0.15m实测数据成过像(SAR-CS imaging algorithms, including motion compensation, the estimated speed of 0.15m measured data into a cross as)
    2008-02-27 20:27:10下载
  • opencv-sift
    图像匹配,可以实现目标图像的匹配,匹配出最相似的训练图片。(Image matching, the matching can achieve the target image, matching the most similar training images.)
    2013-06-08 16:46:48下载
  • laplace
    说明:  用opencv编写的视频捕捉以及边缘提取的程序,调试成功,另附调试用的avi视频,希望对大家有所帮助(Opencv prepared with video capture as well as the procedures for edge detection, debugging success, followed by the avi debug video, hope to help everyone)
    2008-09-04 20:10:07下载
  • pinghua
    实现对图像平滑模糊,有简单平滑、高斯模糊和中值滤波三种可选,基于OPenCV类库实现,代码可直接运行(Achieve a smooth blur the image, a simple smooth, Gaussian blur and median filtering three options, OPenCV-based library, the code can be run directly)
    2014-06-13 16:45:36下载
  • 5c0ca027bb58
    meanshift 图像分割及平滑 包括meanshift的论文及ppt(Code for the Edge Detection and Image Segmentation system and the paper)
    2012-03-06 23:19:42下载
  • opencv4.3
    自主选择性的查看一幅图像中的部分区域的颜色直方图:允许用户在一幅图像中选择一个矩形区域,通过按住鼠标键画一个矩形,当鼠标放开是,高亮显示矩形框,同时在另一个独立的窗口中,使用画图函数画一个图表(选定区域的颜色直方图),分别用蓝,绿,红表示选中区域中每种颜色的像素数量。(Self-selective color in an image to view a partial area of ​ ​ the histogram: Allows the user to select a rectangular area in an image by holding down the mouse button to draw a rectangle when the mouse is released, the highlighted rectangle, Meanwhile in a separate window, using the drawing functions to draw a chart (selected color histogram region), respectively, with blue, green, red indicates the number of pixels in the selected area of ​ ​ each color.)
    2014-02-13 16:18:41下载
  • OnlineForest-0.11.tar
    online random forest 在线随机森林做跟踪和分类的代码(online random forest-line tracking and classification random forest to do the code)
    2020-06-29 22:40:02下载
  • d3dle5
    说明:  计算机图形学中应用VC++6.0和DirectX 8.0 SDK制作彩色旋转的金字塔和正方体的小程序(computer graphics application VC 6.0 and DirectX 8.0 SDK produced color rotating cube pyramid and the small program)
    2005-12-14 13:49:08下载
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