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于 2008-11-23 发布 文件大小:84KB
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说明:  从方程组中消去一些未知函数及其各阶导数,得到只含有一个未知函数的高阶常系数线性微分方程(Eliminated from the equations of some unknown function and its first derivative, the only unknown function contains a higher-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients)



0 个回复

  • matlab-H
    matlab处理图像代码,很不错,值得看看(matlab image processing code, very good, worth a look)
    2013-11-15 16:45:28下载
  • subspace
    经典子空间算法的完整实现,噪声消除效果比较好(an approach of speech enhancement algorithm)
    2013-08-26 11:24:39下载
  • MPCController
    基于模型预测控制算法的matlab控制器设计通用方法,matlab程序(matlab controller design coding ,generic)
    2013-04-06 13:50:11下载
  • beibaowenti
    有N件物品和一个容量为V的背包。第i件物品的费用是c,价值是w。求解将哪些物品装入背包可使这些物品的费用总和不超过背包容量,且价值总和最大。(There are N items and a knapsack capacity of V' s. No. i is the cost of items c, the value of w. Solving items into the backpack which will enable the cost of these items does not exceed the sum of the capacity of backpack, and the sum of the maximum value.)
    2009-05-07 22:10:10下载
  • 1
    说明:  学习用的事件与触发.cs 可以用于教学.....演示(Learn to events and triggers. Cs can be used to demonstrate the teaching .....)
    2009-11-10 18:43:25下载
  • xinxilun
    排队论模型仿真程序。用MATLAB实现 。欢迎大家一起讨论(Queuing theory model simulation program. Use MATLAB to achieve. Welcome to discuss with)
    2010-01-26 18:06:55下载
  • zabaleida
    一个模拟雷达杂波的源代码,对开发雷达模拟方面有借鉴作用。(A simulated radar clutter source code, the development of radar simulation has reference.)
    2011-02-01 20:32:48下载
  • 2Dsource
    基2 fft 的c++实现,改自matlab。(fft)
    2009-03-30 11:24:33下载
  • Archive
    4) 创建一个名为Complex的类,进行复数的算术运算。复数的形式为: realpart+imaginarypart*i 用浮点变量表示类的private数据。提供构造函数,能够对所声明的该类对象进行初始化。在不提供初始化值的情况下,该构造函数应包含默认值。针对以下功能,分别提供一个public成员函数。 (1)两个复数相加; (2)两个复数相减 (3)用(a, b)的形式打印复数,其中a为实部,b为虚部。 (4) Create a class called Complex, and perform complex arithmetic operations. Plural form: realpart+imaginarypart* i said private data class with floating point variables. Provide a constructor, the object can be declared for the class is initialized. In the case do not provide initialization values, the constructor should contain default values. For the following functions, which provide a public member function. (A) two complex numbers (2) the subtraction of two complex (3) (a, b) in the form of plural printing, where a is the real part, b is the imaginary part.)
    2013-12-18 15:14:46下载
  • 0712253
    I wrote this program for coloring any map with only 4 colors. Input for it is an bitmap file with 24 bit colors (must gray/scale). Output is a bitmap which is colored with maximum 4 colors.
    2009-12-01 02:34:09下载
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