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于 2020-06-26 发布 文件大小:0KB
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  lzw压缩解压算法源码(The soruce of LZW compression algorithm)





0 个回复

  • cccc
    输入两个正整数m和n,求其最大公约数和最小公倍数(Enter two positive integers m and n, can seek the common denominator and least common multiple)
    2010-05-11 21:19:20下载
  • OpenGLdevelopment
    压缩包中包含了gl.h,glaux.h,glext.h,glui.h,glut.h等头文件以及对应的库文件。还有对应的配置方法。(Compression package contains gl.h, glaux.h, glext.h, glui.h, glut.h Header Files and corresponding library file. There are corresponding configuration.)
    2020-12-14 14:49:13下载
  • SourceCode
    赫夫曼编/译码器源码,已生成的每个字符的赫夫曼编码,对任意字符文本进行编码,再译码(Huffman encoder/decoder source code, Huffman coding, each character has been generated, the text of any character encoding, decoding)
    2013-04-24 10:36:09下载
  • DS4
    设电文字符集D及各字符出现的概率F如下: D={a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h}(字符数n=8) F={5,29,7,8,14,23,3,11}( ) 编写完成下列功能的程序: ①构造关于F的Huffman树; ②求出并打印D总各字符的Huffman编码。 程序结构: 类型说明; 构造Huffman树的函数:Huffman_tree(H[m+1]); 求Huffman编码的函数:Huffman_code(code[n+1]); main() { 变量说明; 输入字符集D及频率F; 调用Huffman_tree(H); 调用Huffman_code(code); 打印编码; Y 继续? N 停止 }
    2015-06-06 16:41:33下载
  • Hofman
    基于霍夫曼算法的压缩与解压程序。其中压缩与解压的exe是分开的。(Using Hoffman algorithm to compress and decompress)
    2011-05-16 15:31:10下载
  • GZIP例子
    利用gzip.dll解压http请求返回的内容。内附gzip.dll。参考网上资料自己写的VB6工程源码。自己编译EXE的时候注意把gzip.dll释放到exe所在目录。(Use gzip.dll to decompress the content returned by HTTP request. Gzip.dll is attached. Refer to the VB6 project source code written by myself.)
    2020-06-22 07:00:02下载
  • AES
    AES压缩技术编程源代码,包含压缩和解压全套源代码的完整工程(AES compression technology programming source code, including compression and decompression full source code of complete project )
    2015-12-24 11:09:07下载
  • sitesee
    网规网优之用,用于绘制基站扇区图,地理化显示基站方便工程师进行查看。(Net regulatory network optimization purposes, used to map the base station sector maps, geographic-based display base stations to facilitate engineers to view it.)
    2021-04-20 14:58:50下载
  • 61IC_H4231
    PAV (H265) 是 音视频 压缩解压 协议,非常不同于H264/MPEG4,ZPAV (H265) 的基本算法 是 小波,多级树集合群,广义小波,数学形态小波,...... ZPAV (H265) 基本算法 : 1,图象与声音分解与合成 :小波 ; 2,图象与声音前处理 :小波子带零交叉降噪,目标纹理处理,语音处理 ; 3,速率控制 :小波子带熵速率控制 ; 4,量化与反量化 :小波子带熵量化与反量化 ; 5,低频分量和高频分量的降维 :小波子带邻域交叉降维 ; 6,运动矢量和量化表的分解与合成 :广义小波 ; 7,位面编码 :数学形态小波,多级树集合群,嵌入零树,位面降维 ; 8,位流编码 :算术编码,熵编码 ; 9,运动估计 :宏块最优决策,运动矢量预测 ; A,运动搜索 :钻石,大钻石,小钻石,方形 ; B,图象与声音后处理 :低通滤波,断点重构,宏块平滑 ; C,误码纠错 :矢量仿真,帧间仿真 。 (The PAV (H265) is the audio and video compression and decompression protocol, is very different from H264/MPEG4 ZPAV (H265) algorithm is a wavelet, multi-level tree collection group, and generalized wavelets, mathematical morphology, wavelet, ... ZPAV (H265) algorithm: 1, image and sound decomposition and synthesis: wavelet 2, image and sound processing: wavelet sub-band zero-crossing noise, target texture processing, speech processing 3, the rate control: wavelet subband entropy rate control 4, quantization and inverse quantization: Wavelet subband entropy quantization and inverse quantization 5, the dimensionality reduction of the low frequency component and high frequency components: the wavelet subbands neighborhood cross-dimensionality reduction 6, the decomposition and synthesis of the motion vector and quantization tables: generalized wavelet 7, bit-plane coding: the mathematical form of wavelet multi-level tree collection group, embedded zerotree, bit plane)
    2012-03-07 16:22:55下载
  • C语言 文件的
    文件的解压缩。添加文件unzip.h、unzip.cpp、zip.h、zip.cpp,调用对应函数进行压缩和解压。压缩格式为zip;压缩之后的文件可以用winrar等程序打开。(File decompression. Add file unzip.h, unzip.cpp, zip.h, zip.cpp, call the corresponding function for compression and decompression. Compression format is zip the file after compression can be opened by winrar.)
    2020-07-14 09:58:51下载
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