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于 2010-04-23 发布 文件大小:3537KB
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说明:  Ic卡 cpu 卡 发卡源程序 Ic卡 cpu 卡 发卡源程序(ic card cpucard ic card cpucard)



0 个回复

  • DSO_ARM_4_25
    基于STM32F4的示波器的源代码,内部含有ucos-ii操作系统。(STM32F4 based oscilloscope source code contains an internal ucos-ii operating system.)
    2014-02-23 18:57:47下载
  • AOK虚拟示波器上位源码及APP最新版
    AOK虚拟示波器的上位机源码,从串口获取下位机数据,然后绘制波形(AOK virtual oscilloscope host computer source, from the serial access to the next machine data, and then draw the waveform)
    2017-09-20 16:29:41下载
  • 51-1602
    基于Keil的51工程-1602移位显示(51 works based on Keil-1602 shift display)
    2013-08-10 09:57:28下载
  • Date
    用整数存储私有成员:年、月和日。为类提供构造函数,能够对各成员进行初始 化,但出现错误的初值时, 成员为2000-1-。也可以不在不提供任何初值的情况 下日期为2000-1-1。另外可以用一个Date 对象进行初始化,成员函数应实现以 下功能: (1) 对所有成员一次性赋值,也能对某个成员单独赋值,能够一次返回所有成 员的值,也能单独返回某个成员的值 (2) 可以按照mm-dd-yyyy 格式输出日期。 (3) 有成员函数nextDay(),用于将日期增加一天(Integer stored the private Members: year, month, and day. Class provides a constructor to initialize the members, but the wrong initial value, members 2000-1-. The date can also be not the case does not provide any initial value 2000-1-1. Also available on a Date object is initialized, the member function should achieve the following functions: (1) all members of the one-time assignment, can also be a member of a separate assignment, to return once the value of all the members, but also separate return a The members of the value (2) according to the date of mm-dd-yyyy format output. (3) member function nextDay () for additional day date)
    2012-11-22 11:18:18下载
  • VoiceInterpretationSystem
    说明:  系统工作电源AC220V 根据室内光线调节遥控灵敏度。 主控室电脑负责接收由控制终端传来的遥控信号播放相应多媒体影音文件; 通过主控电脑也可直接点播各展品文件,同时控制打开对应的展品照明; 遥控终端接收激光棒控制信号,控制开灯照明正在解说的展品,并通过通信总线通知主机播放相应文件; 通信中继器负责全部终端与主机间的双向信号传递; 扩展功能:设计上位机播放操作软件,控制照明灯亮度。 (无)
    2010-04-03 20:24:07下载
  • Smartcar_SCI
    智能车开发串口接收数据上位机软件.源代码.如果自己加上数据分析功能,就非常有用.(Development of intelligent vehicle PC software serial receive data. The source code. If they combined data analysis, it is very useful.)
    2010-10-18 16:02:08下载
  • smgjsq
    51单片机数码管静态显示,计数器功能,学习如何对数据管进行操作(51 MCU digital static display, the counter function, learning how to operate the data management)
    2010-11-16 16:20:43下载
  • LED_Flash
    单片机开发:基础部分内容,基于51单片机的,流水灯制作(MCU development: basic part, based on 51 microcontroller, making water lights)
    2016-12-28 21:35:18下载
  • VB--PIC
    使用VB与PIC采集,采用软件中断方式,使用研华1710集成卡。(Using VB with PIC acquisition, the software interrupt, use the the Advantech 1710 integrated card.)
    2012-09-30 00:27:14下载
  • HW-GMS-Project20140513
    BlueCore4 Datasheet BC417143 ·APF有源滤波控制器程序,因为改代码 ·利用51单片机实现DS1302的驱动,以C ·利用STM8L实现诺基亚5110液晶的驱动 ·盛群单片机指令集:简体中文,PDF格 ·SHT11 程序,I2C总线方式。写I2C时 ·7寸彩屏 STM32的固件库3.5 FSMC驱动 ·一种伺服电机的PID控制算法,可以完 ·基于Atmega16单片机的机器人行走、 ·51单片机驱动2.6英寸触摸液晶屏幕, ·stm32 pwm 固件库 大连理工大学 信 ·无线传感网络基础 wireless sensor ·LPC11u14芯片的系统时钟驱动
    2020-11-24 16:09:33下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104552会员总数
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