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于 2010-04-22 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  VC Support Vector Classification Usage: [nsv alpha bias] = svc(X,Y,ker,C) Parameters: X - Training inputs Y - Training targets ker - kernel function C - upper bound (non-separable case) nsv - number of support vectors alpha - Lagrange Multipliers b0 - bias term



0 个回复

  • Powell
    说明:  用Matlab编写的用Powell方法求函数极小点程序(Written with the Matlab function using Powell method for solving minimum point procedure)
    2010-04-07 09:42:38下载
    The overall objective for LTE is to provide an extremely high performance radio-access technology that offers full vehicular speed mobility and that can readily coexist with HSPA and earlier networks. OFDM/OFDMA technology is introduced for the LTE downlink, supporting very high data rates of up to 300Mbps while Single-Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA) is used in the uplink with data rates of 80Mbps possible. Additionally, LTE supports operation both in paired and unpaired spectrum (FDD and TDD) using channel bandwidths of approximately 1.4MHz up to 20MHz. The frequency domain scheduling can be done in OFDMA. One of the main challenges in OFDMA is the high peak-to-average radio of the transmitted signal, which requires linearity in the transmitter. The linear amplifiers have low efficiency therefore, OFDMA is not an optimized solution for a mobile uplink where the
    2013-01-01 13:30:17下载
  • printScreenaprintFigure
    matlab的getframe有时候并不能截取画出来的3D图像(而是截取出一个空坐标系).该程序用matlab调用windows的截图功能, 真正实现了原封不动的截图.(但是耗时会长一点). 使用时, 先把文件夹添加到matlab的路径下即可.文件夹中有两个功能略有不同的函数printScreen是截取整个屏幕, printFigure是截取整个屏幕后挖出当前的Figure窗口中的内容.(matlab does not intercept the getframe sometimes drawn 3D images (but the interception of an empty frame) The procedures used to call matlab windows screenshot function, truly untouched screenshot. (but a little time consuming president ) When using, first add a folder to the matlab' s path. folder has two functions is slightly different function printScreen intercept the entire screen, printFigure dug up the entire screen after interception current Figure window content.)
    2014-01-27 03:51:25下载
  • MATLABprogrammingorEngineers
    老师收集给我们的MATLAB编程教程,希望大家可以利用。(help you help me)
    2009-05-15 11:28:58下载
  • DynamicsNumericalMethods
    newmark and wilson theta mehtod
    2011-09-04 20:57:46下载
  • lizilvbo
    这是粒子滤波的程序,可以直接调用,能够滤除信号中的噪声(This is a particle filter program can be called directly, to filter out signal noise)
    2014-12-02 19:49:23下载
  • sf416
    三相光伏逆变并网的仿真,电力系统暂态稳定程序,可以进行暂态稳定计算,复化三点Gauss-lengend公式求pi。( Three-phase photovoltaic inverter and network simulation, Power System Transient Stability Program, can be transient stability, Complex of three-point Gauss-lengend the Formula pi.)
    2017-03-15 17:31:49下载
  • Computational Matrix Algebra with Matlab
    Computational Matrix Algebra with Matlab
    2022-01-25 21:46:22下载
  • eigenvalue_sensitivity
    eigenvalue sensitivity eigenvalue sensitivity eigenvalue sensitivity eigenvalue sensitivity eigenvalue sensitivity eigenvalue sensitivity eigenvalue sensitivity eigenvalue sensitivity
    2010-04-27 15:39:08下载
  • example4_4
    例4:在sinc(t)信号中叠加噪声,分析对应频谱 fs=100 采样频率,必须大于两倍基带信号最高频率 ts=1/fs 采样时间间隔 T=2 时间窗大小 ( x=x+0.1*randn(1,N) x=awgn(x,-10, measured ) figure plot(t,x) title( 时域信号图 ) xlabel( t /s ) y=fft(x,N) figure if mod(N,2)~=0 N=N-1 end f=linspace(0,fs/2,N/2) plot(f,abs(y(1:N/2))*2/N) title( 叠加噪声的sinc(t)信号频谱 ) xlabel( f /Hz ) figure y0=y(1:N/2) P=y0.*conj(y0)/N P=10*log10(P) plot(f,P) title( 功率谱 ) xlabel( f /Hz ) )
    2010-05-25 20:59:03下载
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