说明: 用GUI实现sin画图,输入数据,曲线动态显示(Drawing sin with GUI)
- 2020-08-27 09:46:04下载
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de-speckling of noise in medical ultra sound images...
- 2013-08-14 18:54:36下载
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Computer Vision:Algorithms and Applications,Richard Szeliski,适合图像处理人群(Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Richard Szeliski, suitable for image processing crowd)
- 2013-02-01 13:32:47下载
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本函数选用阈值分割的方法来完成瞳孔定位。根据图像的灰度分布特性,瞳孔部分的灰度值最小,其次为虹膜部分,最大的为巩膜部分。因此在灰度直方图中,第一个大峰值的邻域即是瞳孔所在区域。(Function selects the threshold segmentation method to accomplish the pupil location. Based on image gray distribution features, the pupil part of the grey value of the minimum, followed by the iris part, the biggest part of sclera. So in gray level histogram, the peak value of the first big neighborhood is the pupil area.)
- 2021-04-07 22:09:01下载
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Tarel algorithm
经典的Tarel去雾算法,可用于图像去雾的指标性能对比。(It is the classical dehazing algorithm, and it is can be used comparison with other algorithms.)
- 2020-06-26 16:00:01下载
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基于mean-shift的动态目标跟踪算法,简单有效,另附图库(Based on mean-shift of the dynamic target tracking algorithm, simple and effective, attach library)
- 2010-05-05 16:22:34下载
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使用matlab代码求出不规则区域所对应的最小外接矩形(find the smallest rectantangle of unregular region with matlab)
- 2011-06-29 13:01:36下载
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moravec算子提取特征点,然后用相关度进行匹配(moravec operator feature point extraction, and then match the correlation)
- 2021-04-22 15:48:48下载
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图像分割,包括阈值分割Otsu法,边缘检测包括Roberts算子,Canny算子等,边界跟踪包括Bwtraceboundary函数调用来对图像进行分割等(Image segmentation, including threshold segmentation method of Otsu edge detection, including Roberts operator, Canny operator, edge tracking includes Bwtraceboundary function calls to the segmentation of the image)
- 2020-10-29 16:49:57下载
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图像分割 基于区域的分离和合并
实例 自己写的(SPLITMERGE Segment an image using a splil-and-merge algorithm.)
- 2011-10-29 05:47:18下载
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