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于 2006-03-30 发布 文件大小:150KB
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说明:  利用自相关函数进行数据同步,解决了盲同步不准确的情况(use of the correlation function for data synchronization, a blind solution is not accurate synchronization of)



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  • MultiCarrierDigitalCommunicationsTheoryandApplica
    Multi-Carrier Digital Communications Theory and Applications of OFDM Second Edition Multi-carrier modulation‚ Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) particularly‚ has been successfully applied to a wide variety of digital communications applications over the past several years. Although OFDM has been chosen as the physical layer standard for a diversity of important systems‚ the theory‚ algorithms‚ and implementation techniques remain subjects of current interest. This is clear from the high volume of papers appearing in technical journals and conferences. Multi-carrier modulation continues to evolve rapidly. It is hoped that this book will remain a valuable summary of the technology‚ providing an understanding of new advances as well as the present core technology.
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