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于 2010-06-23 发布 文件大小:421KB
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  数据关联是多目标跟踪的一项关键技术。JPDA是大家公认的多目标跟踪中性能较好的数据关联算法,它 认为量测和目标是一一对应的关联关系,但在许多实际情况中,量测和目标是多一多对应的关系。针对上述情况,该文提 出了广义概率数据关联算法(Generalized Probability Data Association,GPDA)。文中从理论上对这两种算法的性能进行了 详细分析,并利用Monte Carlo技术对其性能进行了仿真比较。(Data association is one of the key technologies in multi—target tracking.And JPDA is considered as the best da· ta association method.JPDA considers the association of measurements with targets is simply one-to-one problem.But in many practical cases,the association of measurements with targets will be multiple—to—multiple problem.For this case,a Generalized Probability Data Association(GPDA)algorithm is proposed in this paper.Furthermore,this paper analyzes the performance of these two algorithms theoretically.And we give the comparative analysis of those performances by using Monte Carlo method.)





0 个回复

  • mirparallel
    this mfile is riten in matlab and is related to mirtoolbox
    2010-07-29 06:00:34下载
  • laplas
    拉普拉斯金字塔程序,生成前三级金字塔程序(Laplacian pyramid program, the program generated the first three pyramids)
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  • JPDA
    统的联合概率数据关联算法(IPDA)是在密集杂波环境下的一种良好的多目标跟踪算法, 但它是针对单传感嚣对多目标跟踪的情况下使用,不能直接用于多传感器对多目标的跟踪。针对这 一问题,文中提出了一种适用于多传感器多目标跟踪的JPDA算法,它以极大似然估计完成对来自 多传感器的测量集合进行同源最优分划,然后采用JPDA方法对多目标进行跟踪。经过理论分析和 仿真试验,证明了该方法能有效地进行多传感器多目标的跟踪,且具有算法简单、跟踪精度高、附 加的计算量小等优点。(Abstract)m JointProbabilisticDataAssociation(JPDA)solves single sensormultitatgcttrackingin ClUtter,butitc锄not bc used directly in mnitisensor multitarget tracking.喇8 paper presents a method to implement multi—sensor multi—target tracking by combining maximum likelihood estimation wim JPDA The maximum Iikelihood estimation is used to classify the same source observations at one time into the same set,and血en JPDA implements multi—target uacking after the position fitsed.The theory analysis and computer simulation show that this algorithm may achieve multi—sensor multi—target tracking perfectly with low calculation load added and higher precision 。)
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