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于 2021-02-08 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  通过本程序,可以将地震数据由ibm格式转为ieee格式,(form seisdate form ibm to ieee )





0 个回复

  • Example2
    example in computer networks
    2012-04-10 03:53:26下载
  • windloadsimulation
    通过AR模型模拟得到风荷载,其模拟是有davenport风速谱得到的(By AR model simulation of wind loads, and its analog davenport wind speed spectrum)
    2021-03-20 10:59:18下载
  • ROOT
    用于搜寻rayleigh波在多层介质中频散的解的求根函数。用matlab开发的。(this program developed for seeking the groupvelocity and phasevelocity according the period and the initial velocity。)
    2013-04-30 15:53:57下载
  • c13_fastpoly
    Program of publication "Fast Channel Shortening with Polynomial Weighting Functions" contient 3pg of fig4,5and6
    2010-12-08 03:10:07下载
  • Kalman
    此程序相关卡尔曼滤波,用matlab描述了卡尔曼滤波的过程。(ocedure-related Kalman filtering, Kalman filtering with matlab describes the process.)
    2011-12-20 16:31:18下载
  • visualmatlabImageryprocessing
    调试所用Matlab版本是6.5,gatbx-toolbox是调试过程中使用的工具箱,有些热心的研友已经提供了该工具箱,之所以再贴一遍,是因为6.5版本下调试该工具箱会出现一些错误提示,在该版本中已经进行了改正,使用该工具箱只需要将压缩包下的gatbx和gatbxTest_fns加入到Matlab搜索路径即可,另外gatbx-origin是Sheffield大学提供的原始版本的工具箱,未做任何改动,两者可做比较之用 3.gatbx-example是算例调试源码和各算例的调试说明,大家可以对照原书进行比较 4.窃以为gatbx工具箱较之Matlab7新版下的gads工具箱更能让人熟悉和了解遗传算法的原理和计算过程,虽然在可视化方面不及gads 5.学习遗传算法如果首先用熟相关工具箱的话,能够先培养信心,然后更有兴趣去专研和了解具体的算法,如果就用现有的工具箱就能解决问题的话,不了解其详细的算法也未尝不可,毕竟不是每个研友都能向see_moonlight那样开发自己的工具箱吧, ( The debugging uses the Matlab edition is 6.5, gatbx-toolbox debugs the toolbox which in the process uses, somewhat warm-hearted ground the friend already to provide this toolbox, the reason that pasted again, was because under 6.5 editions debugged this toolbox to be able to present some wrong prompts, had already carried on the correction in this edition, will use this toolbox only to need to compress package of under gatbx and gatbx Test_fns joins to the Matlab search path then, moreover gatbx-origin was the primitive edition toolbox which the Sheffield university provided, has not made any modification, both might make the comparison are the example debugging sound code and various examples debugging explained with 3.gatbx-example, everybody might compare the original bookCarries on comparison 4. in my opinion under the gatbx toolbox s to be able to let the human compared with Matlab7 update gads toolbox be familiar with the understanding genetic algorithm principle and)
    2010-10-17 15:11:22下载
  • CA
    说明:  this is a set power points about Computer_Architecture
    2013-02-11 14:06:35下载
  • PCA_valoriPvectori_proprii
    Principal component analysis for a voice signal
    2011-11-10 14:37:47下载
  • myhallBLDC
    说明:  直流无刷电机带霍尔传感器双闭环的MATLAB仿真,(MATLAB simulation of double closed-loop DC brushless motor)
    2021-02-23 14:59:40下载
  • LMS
    LMS算法实现自适应滤波 clear close all clc N=10000 设置仿真长度 信号产生参数设定 a1=-0.195 a1=-1.5955 a2=0.95 R0=[1,a1,a2 a1,1+a2,0 a2,a1,1] p=[1,0,0] r=inv(R0)*p 计算理论自相关函数 R=[r(1),r(2) r(2),r(1)] 生成理论自相关矩阵 p1=[r(2),r(3)] 生成互相关 h=inv(R)*p1 计算维纳解 Jmin=r(1)-h *p1 计算维纳解时最小均方误差 u=1/sum(eigs(R)) ( LMS算法实现自适应滤波 clear close all clc N=10000 设置仿真长度 信号产生参数设定 a1=-0.195 a1=-1.5955 a2=0.95 R0=[1,a1,a2 a1,1+a2,0 a2,a1,1] p=[1,0,0] r=inv(R0)*p 计算理论自相关函数 R=[r(1),r(2) r(2),r(1)] 生成理论自相关矩阵 p1=[r(2),r(3)] 生成互相关 h=inv(R)*p1 计算维纳解 Jmin=r(1)-h*p1 计算维纳解时最小均方误差 u=1/sum(eigs(R)) )
    2021-03-01 22:29:34下载
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