首页 » matlab » How_to_use_MATLAB_generated_Gaussian_white_noise


于 2009-08-27 发布 文件大小:2KB
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说明:  如何用MATLAB产生高斯白噪声!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~(How to use MATLAB generated Gaussian white noise !!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~)



0 个回复

  • Gauss
    2010-07-09 13:16:56下载
  • 1
    说明:  this matlab is to show how some signal function can be implement in it and how to do some operation on it
    2011-01-13 04:16:02下载
  • wenduchuanganqi
    温度传感器,低于某一个温度时,提示升温,高于某一个温度时报警(The temperature sensor, below a certain temperature, tip to warm up, and higher than a certain temperature alarm )
    2012-05-13 17:21:45下载
  • Pattern-Classification
    《模式分类》(原书第2版)电子档,,是模式识别和场景分析领域奠基性的经曲名著。( The pattern classification (the original book version 2) electronic archives, and is founding in the field of pattern recognition and scene analysis by the classics.)
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  • Matlab-for-Planning-problem
    介绍了规划问题建模及用Matlab实现的具体操作方法,详细解释了几种常用的求解线性规划问题和非线性规划问题的函数,如linprog,fminunc等(Planning problem modeling and specific methods of operation using Matlab detailed explanation of the function of several commonly used for solving linear programming problems and nonlinear programming problems such as linprog, fminunc)
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  • binarizar
    genera histograma en matlab
    2010-06-14 13:14:44下载
    ofdmaz自适应资源分配,SIPS04Main.m为主程序,直接运行即可获得结果(ofdmaz adaptive resource allocation, SIPS04Main.m-based procedures, to receive the results of the direct operation)
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  • Concepts-of-Orthogonal-Frequency-Division-Multipl
    A nice tutorial about OFDM and its use in 802.11.
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  • matlab
    聚类算法,不是分类算法。分类算法是给一个数据,然后判断这个数据属于已分好的类中的具体哪一类。聚类算法是给一大堆原始数据,然后通过算法将其中具有相似特征的数据聚为一类。这里的k-means聚类,是事先给出原始数据所含的类数,然后将含有相似特征的数据聚为一个类中。所有资料中还是Andrew Ng介绍的明白。首先给出原始数据{x1,x2,...,xn},这些数据没有被标记的。初始化k个随机数据u1,u2,...,uk。这些xn和uk都是向量。根据下面两个公式迭代就能求出最终所有的u,这些u就是最终所有类的中心位置。(Clustering algorithm, not a classification algorithm. Classification algorithm is to give a figure, and then determine the data belonging to a specific class of good which category. Clustering algorithm is to give a lot of raw data, and then through the algorithm which has similar characteristics data together as a class. Here k-means clustering, is given in advance the number of classes contained in the raw data, then the data contain similar characteristics together as a class. All information presented in or Andrew Ng understand. Firstly, raw data {x1, x2, ..., xn}, the data is not labeled. K random initialization data u1, u2, ..., uk. These are the vectors xn and uk. According to the following two formulas can be obtained final iteration all u, u is the ultimate all these classes the center position.)
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    Find all java objects contained within a java container or Matlab GUI handle If no output parameter is specified, then an interactive GUI window will be displayed with a tree-view of all container components, their properties and callbacks.
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