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于 2011-03-26 发布 文件大小:6999KB
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说明:  二叉树的演示程序。实现了二叉树和哈弗曼树(Binary tree demo program. Implements a binary tree and the tree Hafu Man)



0 个回复

  • Dijlstra
    Dijlstra算法 对任意图,选择合适的数据结构表示图,在此基础上实现求解最短路径的Dijkstra算法(Dijlstra algorithm to arbitrary map, select the appropriate data structures that map, on this basis to achieve solution of the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm)
    2009-01-11 19:03:11下载
  • suanfa
    匈牙利算法以及指派问题介绍,kM算法和匈牙利算法的程序代码(Hungarian algorithm and the assignment problem introduced, kM algorithm and the Hungarian algorithm code)
    2011-09-10 09:42:39下载
  • 1
    说明:  四路归并排序,将原有的二路归并排序改编的四路归并排序(The four-way merge sort to the original way merge sort adaptation of the four-way merge sort)
    2012-12-07 14:16:36下载
  • xiaobaishu
    参加数学建模的同学很可能会遇到这套题。本程序采用链表进行编写,很方便地解决了小白鼠问题。(Mathematical modeling of the students participating are likely to encounter this question, the program uses the list to solve the problem of mice, very convenient.)
    2013-08-29 16:09:43下载
  • BiTree
    本算法用于实现二叉树的查找和输出,使用了数据结构中的二叉树结构,精髓在于使用了函数指针。( This algorithm is used to find and implement binary output, use the data structure of the binary tree structure, the essence is the use of function pointers.)
    2016-04-05 17:09:03下载
  • Campus-navigation-problem
    校园导航问题,设计你的学校的平面图,至少包括10个以上的景点(场所),每两个景点间可以有不同的路,且路长也可能不同,找出从任意景点到达另一景点的最佳路径(最短路径)。 要求: (1)以图中顶点表示校园内各景点,存放景点名称、代号、简介等信息;以边表示路径,存放路径长度等有关信息。 (2)为来访客人提供图中任意景点相关信息的查询。 (3)为来访客人提供任意景点的问路查询,即查询任意两个景点之间的一条最短路径。 (4)修改景点信息。 (Campus navigation problem, the design of your school s plan, at least more than 10 attractions (places), between every two spots can have a different way, and the long road may be different, to find spots to reach from any other attractions best path (shortest path). Requirements: (1) graph vertices represent various campus sites, storage sites name, code, profile and other information the side that path, the path length of storage of information. (2) the figure for visiting any sites offering information about the query. (3) any attractions for visiting guests ask queries of that query any two of the shortest path between sites. (4) modify the attractions information.)
    2011-08-12 10:34:14下载
  • ch555555
    C数据结构常用算法程序集5,描述数据结构算法。(C data structures commonly used algorithm suite 5, describe data structure algorithms.)
    2005-05-09 16:17:59下载
  • expression
    利用栈完成算术表达式求值:从键盘或文件中输入算术表达式,计算其结果并显示。要求处理过程为:(1)转换为后缀表达式并输出;(2)对后缀表达式求值并输出。 输入的表达式中可以有整数、实数、括号,运算符包括+、-、*、/、#(代表单目负)。可以多次输入不同的表达式进行计算,直到用户选择“退出”。栈的基本操作可以自己实现,也可以使用系统提供的STL实现。 (Done using an arithmetic expression evaluation stack: file input from the keyboard or an arithmetic expression, calculate and display the results. Requirements process: (1) to postfix expression and output (2) evaluation of the postfix expression and output. Enter the expression can be integers, real numbers, parentheses, operators including+,-,*,/,#( representatives unary minus). You can enter several different expressions are evaluated until the user selects " Exit." Stack can implement the basic operations, you can also use the system implementation of the STL.)
    2011-10-30 14:14:01下载
  • migongproduce
    迷宫生成器,可以根据需要自己建立各类型的迷宫,而且能求解出线路(Maze maze of various types of generators, according to the needs its own, but also to solve the lines)
    2012-02-10 15:17:36下载
  • tree
    二叉树的先序遍历。采用递归实现。释放资源时用了后序遍历。(Preorder traversal of a binary tree. Recursive implementation. Release resources used after preorder.)
    2013-07-09 13:39:31下载
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