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于 2006-03-12 发布 文件大小:2175KB
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说明:  利用vc6.0提供的支持实现一个ActiveX文档服务器程序。这个程序可以从包容器中装入文件,可以编辑和保存文本以及嵌入对象,它还能够从Internet下载文本文件,每次一行。(vc6.0 use of the support provided to achieve an ActiveX file server. This procedure can pack containers loaded document, and can edit the text and to preserve embedded object, it can be downloaded from the Internet text files, one line at a time.)



0 个回复

  • OfusionPro
    著名的OGRE的3DS MAX导出插件ofusion的PRO版本(已破解).(OGRE famous exporter of 3DS MAX plug-ofusion the PRO version (cracked).)
    2020-10-07 16:37:36下载
  • udt.sdk.4.9.tar
    UDT(UDP-based Data Transfer Protocol,简称UDT)是一种互联网数据传输协议。UDT建于UDP之上,并引入新的拥塞控制和数据可靠性控制机制。UDT是面向连接的双向的应用层协议。它同时支持可靠的数据流传输和部分可靠的数据报传输。 (UDT is a reliable UDP based application level data transport protocol for distributed data intensive applications over wide area high-speed networks. UDT uses UDP to transfer bulk data with its own reliability control and congestion control mechanisms. The new protocol can transfer data at a much higher speed than TCP does. UDT is also a highly configurable framework that can accommodate various congestion control algorithms)
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  • Mobile-phone-news-editor
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    2009-04-15 06:47:55下载
  • 5402
    我买的dsp5402开发板程序,上传上来让大家看看,感觉很有用,大家自己看,我就说这么多了(I bought dsp5402 development board procedures, post it here so that we see, feel useful, we all see, all I can say the)
    2011-06-15 10:55:32下载
  • DataStream2005
    用VC。NET2005实现的数据流图编辑程序,实现不同图形的绘制、移动和编辑等功能。(VC.NET2005 achieve the data flow diagram editing procedures, different graphics rendering, mobile and editing functions.)
    2007-04-11 21:17:46下载
  • motors
    基于友善之臂tiny6410开发板的M0(3GPIO,驱动程序,可以驱动L98N,和L9110s等直流马达驱动芯片。智能小车必备驱动程序。-Based the friendly arm tiny6410 development board the M0-3GPIO, driver program can drive the L98N, L9110s DC motor driver chip. Smart car essential driver.)
    2014-09-22 05:40:18下载
  • paidui
    1、首先,我们分析调查到的数据,发现学生流符合泊松分布,服务时间符合指数分布,由此我们的模型就变成了排队论中典型的MM 模型,根据MM 模型中的各效率指标的公式,我们可得到学一食堂拥挤情况的各方面数据。 2、根据模型求解得到的数据,我们对模型进行了更精确的量化分析。我们发现,解决本模型的关键就在于分析顾客平均排队时间,我们对其与窗口数之间的关系进行了拟合,并就两者之间关系进行了灵敏度分析。 3、针对窗口数与顾客平均排队时间之间的关系,我们从经济学的角度进行了分析,即比较增加窗口后成本的增加量与减少排队等待时间所带来的收益之间的大小关系。 (err)
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  • netDate
    VC++源程序实现同步网络时间,基于C/S结构,启动服务端程序后,需要在客户端输入服务端的IP地址,然后点击“同步”按钮,如果顺利连接的话,则完成与服务器端的时间同步,注意,本程序并非是连接世界官方时间服务器,比如微软的时间同步服务器、NIST的服务器等,而是用本程序中的服务端来代替了。 (VC++ source code to synchronize network time, based on C/S structure, start the server program, you need the client enter the service side of the IP address, then click the " Sync" button, if successfully connected, then finished with the server time synchronization Note that this procedure is not an official time server connected world, the time synchronization server such as Microsoft, NIST' s servers, but with this program instead of the server.)
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  • Mediaplayer
    MFC实现的播放器,可以实现简单的播放、暂停、停止等功能,有播放列表。(MFC implementation player, you can achieve a simple play, pause, stop and other functions, and playlists.)
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