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于 2010-04-13 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  高斯-赛德尔迭代计算方法是在计算第一个方程函数得到第一个自变量后,吧自变量更新进入第二个方程计算。(Gauss- Seidel iteration method is to function in the calculation of the first equation obtained after the first argument, it updates the independent variables into the second equation.)



0 个回复

  • matlab-wavelet7
    说明:   <小波分析理论与MATLAB 7实现>是“MATLAB应用技术”系列丛书之一,以最新推出的MATLAB中的小波分析工具箱Wavelet Toolbox 3.0版本为基础。全书共分为三部分,第1部分着重介绍了小波理论基础,包括小波基础知识、连续小波变换、离散小波变换、多分辨率分析与正交小波变换、小波变换和多采样滤波器组、二维小波变换与图像处理及小波包的基本原理等;第2部分重点说明了小波分析工具箱的详细使用方法,包括图形用户接口、小波通用函数、一维小波变换的MATLAB实现、二维小波变换的MATLAB实现、小波包变换的MATLAB实现、信号和图像的降噪和压缩,以及最新的信号和图像的提升小波变换等内容;第3部分主要介绍了小波工具箱的应用基础,以及小波变换在语音和生物医学信号处理中、故障诊断中、数字水印中的应用方法。 本书可作为理工科各专业的高年级本科生、研究生学习小波分析的辅助教材,也可作为研究和应用这一领域的科技工作者的参考书。 (err)
    2006-05-09 10:37:57下载
  • signal_denoising1
    应用matlab语言编写,可用于一维信号去噪,去噪效果较好。(Application matlab language, can be used for one-dimensional signal de-noising, de-noising better.)
    2013-07-14 20:19:45下载
  • Educational-material-for-MATLAB
    matlab教程,包含数学运算、函数调用及编程、图形绘制等详细讲解(Matlab tutorial, including mathematics, function calls and programming, graphics drawing in detail)
    2014-11-29 10:32:40下载
  • GPA
    Code for all matlab users
    2013-05-25 23:32:05下载
  • fanhanfenxi
    对初学者来说,泛函分析很难搞懂。这份资料就是关于泛函分析的,里面详细讲了泛函的来龙去脉。(For beginners, it is difficult to understand the functional analysis. This information is about the functional analysis, which details about the functional sequence of events.)
    2016-08-02 11:34:42下载
  • PlotStarN
    说明:  画n角星,其中n为大于5的奇数(偶数可以看成两个奇数角星的叠加) 比如6角星,可以看成两个三角星的叠加(Plotting and filling n-pointed star, in which n is an odd number greater than 5)
    2010-04-06 12:20:01下载
  • hu2_msk_270k
    msk调制——参照原理框图——新手望各位高手指教(msk modulation-- Principle reference frame-- beginner to expert advise Pillar)
    2007-03-02 21:51:30下载
  • WLS
    this is about WLS algorthim to remove noise components in sine signal
    2011-08-06 18:47:35下载
  • P0202
    PROJECT 02-02 Reducing the Number of Intensity Levels in an Image (a) Write a computer program capable of reducing the number of intensity levels in a image from 256 to 2, in integer powers of 2. The desired number of intensity levels needs to be a variable input to your program. (b) Download Fig. 2.21(a) from the book web site and duplicate the results shown in Fig. 2.21 of the book. Laboratory Projects_DIP3E 的02-02項目(PROJECT 02-02 Reducing the Number of Intensity Levels in an Image (a) Write a computer program capable of reducing the number of intensity levels in a image from 256 to 2, in integer powers of 2. The desired number of intensity levels needs to be a variable input to your program. (b) Download Fig. 2.21(a) from the book web site and duplicate the results shown in Fig. 2.21 of the book.)
    2013-10-16 21:17:36下载
  • DBF
    这是我们的课程作业,有自适应DBF和LCMV的DBF(This is our course work, there are adaptive for DBF DBF and LCMV)
    2013-09-17 20:52:00下载
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