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于 2007-09-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  基于离散余弦变换的水印程序,大家看看有没有可以改进的地方(Discrete cosine transform-based watermarking process, everyone can see if there is any improvement)





0 个回复

  • visual-intelligent-surveillance
    该代码用于实现视频监控/视觉监控/视频智能监控/视觉智能监控,具有友好的人机交互界面。在工作时,利用连接在计算机上的摄像头取得视频图像,通过背景减除、滤波、二值化处理、识别等技术,实现对视频目标的监控。(This code is applied to visual surveillance/video surveillance/visual intelligent surveillance/video intelligent surveillance which has a friendly human-machine interface. When working, it detects objects in video using some techniques containing background subtraction, filter, binarization, and recognition. )
    2011-07-02 07:09:55下载
  • houghlines
    hough变换的图像倾斜校正的matlab源码,图像预处理的重要环节之一。(hough transform image tilt correction matlab source, an important part of image pre-processing one.)
    2008-06-07 19:24:36下载
  • tuxiangpipei
    一种基于特征点的图像匹配算法 一种基于特征点的图像匹配算法(Feature point based image matching algorithm based on feature points matching algorithm)
    2020-12-10 10:59:18下载
  • Local_Maxima
    查找图像的局部极大值,功能强大,速度快,精度高(Finding the local maximum of an image is powerful, fast and accurate.)
    2020-06-19 15:00:01下载
  • hedongjian
    彩色位图转黑白位图代码。何东健《数字图像处理》随书光盘提供的源码。(color bitmap to black-and-white bitmap code. Dong- Jian "Digital Image Processing" With the CD source.)
    2006-11-02 10:13:04下载
  • densecrf-master
    说明:  应用条件随机场进行图像分割 使用方法:将pydensecrf-py27或pydensecrf-py35重命名为pydensecrf,放入C:Program FilesAnaconda3Libsite-packages 运行:python inference.py im1.png anno1.png out.png(Renameing the file "pydensecrf-py27" or "pydensecrf-py35" to the new name "pydensecrf" Puting this file "pydensecrf" in this directory "C:Program FilesAnaconda3Libsite-packages" cd examples/ python inference.py im1.png anno1.png out.png)
    2020-11-25 15:49:32下载
  • sarshuju
    KI阈值算法,实现SAR图像变化检测时判别变化与非变化的区域所需要阈值的选取(the Kittler and Illingworth minimum-error thresholding algorithm)
    2011-08-04 15:51:48下载
  • tuxiangchulidaima
    本文针对目前图像特效处理的需求,主要研究几种基本的数字图像处理算法,以达到人们所期待得到的各种不同的效果。并在基于Windows系统的Visual C++6.0集成开发环境下,生成BMP位图文件并对其进行读取,使用VC编码实现这些算法。编写程序在BMP位图文件中画出各种图像,例如:三角型,圆,正弦函数图。在点运算处理中介绍了灰度化处理,算法设计原理是将输入像素点的灰度值通过算法实现改变其相应输出点的灰度值。在图像增强中,介绍了图形的平滑和图像的锐化算法,其算法的设计原理是根据一个固定小区域的几个像素灰度值设置某个像素的灰度值,通常有其固定模板。 本文具体给出了这些算法的设计思想及算法描述,并通过程序实现。最后将其效果图与原始图像进行了比较。 (In this paper, the image effects to deal with the current demand for basic research in several digital image processing algorithms in order to achieve what people expect different result. And Windows-based system, Visual C++6.0 integrated development environment to generate BMP bitmap file and read them using VC coding to implement these algorithms. Write a program to draw a variety of graphics in BMP bitmap file, example: triangle, circle, sine function diagram. Point arithmetic processing grayscale processing, algorithm design principle is the value of the input pixel gray value of the corresponding output point algorithm change. Enhancement of the image on the smooth graphics and image sharpening algorithm. The design principle of the algorithm is based on a fixed number of small regions of a pixel value of gray-scale pixel value, usually a fixed template. In this paper, given the specific design of these algorithms and the algorithm description, and program . Finally, the effect o)
    2015-07-07 10:05:26下载
  • kurtosis
    图像峰度计算函数,可作为图像质量评价的一个标准(Kurtosis calculated image function, image quality evaluation can be used as a standard)
    2008-04-03 13:17:29下载
    小波包分解的原始文献,研究小波包分解必读!(Lectures on wavelet packet algorithms)
    2017-01-23 10:11:36下载
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