▍1. php-apk-parser-master
Shows APK contents parsed in PHP.
php开发,编程,PHP轻便简洁、上手快速、性能不错(PHP development, programming, PHP lightweight and simple, quick to use, good performance)
说明: php开发,编程,PHP轻便简洁、上手快速、性能不错(PHP development, programming, PHP lightweight and simple, quick to use, good performance)
注册登录板块发帖回帖、分普通用户与后台管理员(Registered login board posts and replies, divided into ordinary users and background administrators)
说明: 注册登录板块发帖回帖、分普通用户与后台管理员(Registered login board posts and replies, divided into ordinary users and background administrators)
数据库中存放文件路径,网页时时刷新,ajax,php,mysql(File paths are stored in the database and pages are refreshed from time to time)
说明: 数据库中存放文件路径,网页时时刷新,ajax,php,mysql(File paths are stored in the database and pages are refreshed from time to time)
个人在线银行系统, 具有上限,换汇,转账等功能(A personal online bank system with limitation exchange transfer functions.)
说明: 个人在线银行系统, 具有上限,换汇,转账等功能(A personal online bank system with limitation exchange transfer functions.)
PHP树洞系统是一个分享秘密的系统,在这里,我们为您寄存秘密、心事。 拨动你的心弦,倾听来自心海的回音!(PHP Tree Hole System is a system of sharing secrets. Here, we store secrets and thoughts for you. Pull your heartstrings and listen to the echoes from the heart!)
说明: PHP树洞系统是一个分享秘密的系统,在这里,我们为您寄存秘密、心事。 拨动你的心弦,倾听来自心海的回音!(PHP Tree Hole System is a system of sharing secrets. Here, we store secrets and thoughts for you. Pull your heartstrings and listen to the echoes from the heart!)
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