掌握序列的应用 掌握视图的应用 了解索引的使用 了解同义词的使用 (To grasp the sequence of application to master view of the application to understand the use of the index to understand the use of synonyms)
掌握序列的应用 掌握视图的应用 了解索引的使用 了解同义词的使用 (To grasp the sequence of application to master view of the application to understand the use of the index to understand the use of synonyms)
oracle 写的备份恢复工具, 备份时 cmd下输入bk 恢复时输入restore 帮助信息可查(oracle backup and recovery tools Backup under the cmd input bk Recovery when you enter the restore Help information can check)
Oracle 相关学习资料,有的是理论资料有的是实用性的书籍和文档,经验所得。(Oracle-related learning materials, information theory, some practical some books and documents, experience.)
Oracle数据库基础是学习oracle必须的阶段,也是重要非常的知识。(Oracle Oracle database must be based on the stage of learning is very important knowledge.)
oracle入门心得 oracle必备学习的啊(Introduction to oracle oracle essential learning experience ah)
Oracle基础,和Oracle的考试,希望对大家有用(Oracle base, and Oracle' s exam, we hope to be useful)
oracle培训18天老师笔记,希望对大家有帮助(oracle training 18 days a teacher notes, we want to help)
Oracle Database 10g PLSQL程序设计源代码(Oracle Database 10g PLSQL code)
介绍了如何解决Oracle的3个ORA-600错误,提供了BUG报告(Describes how to resolve Oracle' s 3 ORA-600 errors, the report provides a BUG)
中大型公司使用空白数据库脚本,适用于有专攻数据库这方面的人员(Medium and large companies use a blank database, scripting, specializing in the database apply to staff in this area)
oracle性能查询汇总.sql 包含常用性能监控脚本(oracle query performance summary. sql script that contains common Performance Monitoring)
this program is about online controling cofee its based on oracle data base
its a source file for the book applied mathematics for database professionals
关于Oracle的性能调整,一般包括两个方面,一是指Oracle数据库本身的调整,比如SGA、PGA的优化设置,二是连接Oracle的应用程序以及SQL语句的优化。做好这两个方面的优化,就可以使一套完整的Oracle应用系统处于良好的运行状态。 本 文主要是把一些Oracle Tuning的文章作了一个简单的总结,力求以实际可操作为目的,配合讲解部分理论知识,使大部分具有一般Oracle知识的使用者能够对Oracle Tuning有所了解,并且能够根据实际情况对某些参数进行调整。关于更加详细的知识,请参见本文结束部分所提及的推荐书籍,同时由于该话题内容太多且复 杂,本文必定有失之偏颇甚至错误的地方,请不吝赐教,并共同进步。 (no )