▍1. proc-cPP-oracle
链接oracle数据库,使用proc方法,进行过测试,不过我是新手不能配置成功(Link oracle database, use the proc method has been tested, but I can not be configured novice)
链接oracle数据库,使用proc方法,进行过测试,不过我是新手不能配置成功(Link oracle database, use the proc method has been tested, but I can not be configured novice)
数据库同步程序,能够自动更新远程数据库与本地数据库数据,保持同步。(Database synchronization program to automatically update the remote database with local database data, and to keep pace.)
泛微6.0单点登录包:通过ecology系统的自定义菜单功能和集成登录接口,可以比较方便的实现登录ecology系统后直接到达其他业务系统的功能,省去了繁琐的登录过程(weaver 6.0 single sign package)
oracle 帮助文档 综合 最近在学oracle 下了些基本的语句文章 还有三个chm文档,很好的帮助。 真的,很好(oracle help document comprehensive learning oracle under some basic statements in the article, there are three chm documentation and good help. Really good)
VC++与oracle 10 数据库连接(VC++ connection oracle)
oracle 拼音码函数,能提取汉子拼音的首字母,全部拼音等。(oracle phonetic code function, can extract the man the first letter of the alphabet, all Pinyin.)
Oracle基础教程超级的基础哦Oracle基础教程超级的基础哦Oracle基础教程超级的基础哦(The basiclearning of oracle )
11g for application developee.. enjoy
掌握序列的应用 掌握视图的应用 了解索引的使用 了解同义词的使用 (To grasp the sequence of application to master view of the application to understand the use of the index to understand the use of synonyms)
oracle 写的备份恢复工具, 备份时 cmd下输入bk 恢复时输入restore 帮助信息可查(oracle backup and recovery tools Backup under the cmd input bk Recovery when you enter the restore Help information can check)
很经典的一个produre 存储过程 里面包含的很多东西 一个很完整的存储过程 公司高手所写 很经典值得学习(is very good produce for learn of oracle that is very fearfulness staffer write )
Oracle 相关学习资料,有的是理论资料有的是实用性的书籍和文档,经验所得。(Oracle-related learning materials, information theory, some practical some books and documents, experience.)
Oracle数据库基础是学习oracle必须的阶段,也是重要非常的知识。(Oracle Oracle database must be based on the stage of learning is very important knowledge.)
自定义oracle监控,包括:表空间,SID,缓冲池,(Custom oracle monitoring, including: Table space, SID, buffer pool,)
Connect to an Oracle Database from Visual Basic 6
Wiley High-Performance Oracle -已证实的获得最佳性能和可用性的方法(Wiley High-Performance Oracle)
An Oracle Business Intelligence and Performance Management Publication, Issue 4, February 2009 Journal of Management Excellence: Creating Value
说明: oracle 数据库导入导出;自定义导入导出参数;(oracle database import and export custom import and export parameters )