▍1. Characteristics-of-the-3d
采用菲涅尔近似公式和傅里叶级数展开的方法, 分析了罗奇光栅、正弦强度光 栅、正弦振幅光栅的泰伯衍射光场的三维强度分布特征, 给出了计算机模拟的三维强 度分布图, 并讨论了一些在三维传感领域有应用前景的性质。(In th is paper, w e calcu late the 32D in ten sity dist ribu t ion of Talbo t diff ract ion f ield of the u sually u sed Ronch i grat ing, sine in ten sity grat ing and sine amp litude grat ing, by app lying F resnel app rox im at ion and them ethod of Fou rier se2 ries expan sion. Compu ter sim u lated 32D diagram s are given, and som e in terest ing p ropert ies w ith p rom ising app licat ion in 32D sen sing are also discu ssed.)