▍1. Mysql五级联动数据
说明: 国家统计局的省市区镇村五级联动数据库表sql脚本(SQL script of five-level database tables for towns and villages in provinces, municipalities and cities of the State Statistical Bureau)
说明: 国家统计局的省市区镇村五级联动数据库表sql脚本(SQL script of five-level database tables for towns and villages in provinces, municipalities and cities of the State Statistical Bureau)
说明: 北大青鸟的S2结业项目数据库(易买网)用来给MyEclipse里面用的(The S2 graduation project database of Peking University bluebird is used for MyEclipse)
说明: this is the northwind mysql database file
网吧的收费管理系统,可以哦难过MySQL实现。(Internet Cafe fee management system, can Oh sorry MySQL implementation.)
说明: 网吧的收费管理系统,可以哦难过MySQL实现。(Internet Cafe fee management system, can Oh sorry MySQL implementation.)
该书籍介绍了MYSQL数据库的基础知识,讲解了数据库如何被攻击及阻拦攻击的解决方法。( The book introduces the basic knowledge of MYSQL database, explained the database to be solution attack and block attacks. )
该书籍介绍了MYSQL数据库的基础知识,讲解了数据库如何被攻击及阻拦攻击的解决方法。( The book introduces the basic knowledge of MYSQL database, explained the database to be solution attack and block attacks. )
MYSQL必知必会,mysql学习的经典总结,学习的可以下载。(MYSQL must know will mysql learning classic summary of learning can download.)
一个商品进销存管理系统的简单的数据库脚本 包括 表 关系图(Merchandise inventory management system, a simple database scripts include table diagram)
银行模拟业务,有数据建表,实现相关业务,通过数据库操作可以进行html操作(database of bank)
mysql high performance tuning
免安装的MySql数据库可以直接使用,只需更改写属性就行。(Free installation of MySql database can be used directly)