▍1. java网吧管理系统毕设
说明: java和mysql数据库实现网吧管理系统(Implementation of Internet bar management system with Java and MySQL database)
说明: java和mysql数据库实现网吧管理系统(Implementation of Internet bar management system with Java and MySQL database)
主要介绍了数据库的相关使用介绍,非常实用。(This paper mainly introduces the related usage of database, which is very practical.)
说明: 主要介绍了数据库的相关使用介绍,非常实用。(This paper mainly introduces the related usage of database, which is very practical.)
国家统计局的省市区镇村五级联动数据库表sql脚本(SQL script of five-level database tables for towns and villages in provinces, municipalities and cities of the State Statistical Bureau)
说明: 国家统计局的省市区镇村五级联动数据库表sql脚本(SQL script of five-level database tables for towns and villages in provinces, municipalities and cities of the State Statistical Bureau)
MYSQL手册 MYSQL Manual(MYSQL Manual MYSQL Manual)
说明: MYSQL手册 MYSQL Manual(MYSQL Manual MYSQL Manual)
mysql数据回滚,回滚数据到指定保存点。用于线上恢复问题(MySQL data rollback)
说明: mysql数据回滚,回滚数据到指定保存点。用于线上恢复问题(MySQL data rollback)
说明: 北大青鸟的S2结业项目数据库(易买网)用来给MyEclipse里面用的(The S2 graduation project database of Peking University bluebird is used for MyEclipse)
说明: this is the northwind mysql database file
网吧的收费管理系统,可以哦难过MySQL实现。(Internet Cafe fee management system, can Oh sorry MySQL implementation.)
说明: 网吧的收费管理系统,可以哦难过MySQL实现。(Internet Cafe fee management system, can Oh sorry MySQL implementation.)
technical support to achieve the highest levels of MySQL scalability
说明: technical support to achieve the highest levels of MySQL scalability
图书管理系统,采用QT+mysql编写简单明了易上手(Library management system)
这是一个数据库课程设计,可以直接使用。开发语言为php。题目为人事档案管理系统,支持录入编辑,数据统计,数据库备份,报表打印与预览。并且使用了bootstrap,界面友好。(This is a database curriculum design, you can use directly. The development language is php. The subject of personnel file management system, support entry, editing, data statistics, database backup, print and preview statements. And using bootstrap, the interface is friendly.)