▍1. iCarousel
ios iCarousel 多种滚轮效果,方便易用(ios iCarousel)
Iphong高级编程,讲解很独到很详细,推荐看一看!(Iphong advanced programming, to explain in great detail is very unique, recommend a look!)
幸运罗盘,用的code4app里面的资源,然后自己修改的,能够实现拖拽滚动(Fortunately, compass, using code4app inside the resource, and then make changes, and to achieve drag scrolling)
大气的移动互联网模板,支持ipad,iphone,android(a mobile theme demo)
xcode下实现polyline轨迹绘制功能,并能更改颜色和实时刷新轨迹线(failed to translate)
This sample shows how to use Core Text to display large bodies of text, text with mixed styles, and text with special style or layout requirements, such as use of custom fonts. A version of this sample was used in the "Advanced Text Handling for iPhone OS" WWDC 2010 Session.
cocos2dX下文字输入显示,用tinyxml,label和CCRenderTexture实现滚动文字(cocos2dX input text)
UILabel简单使用,objective-c UILabel的简单使用(UILabel simple use)
财经杂志的IOS客户端,可以正常运行,适合学习(The financial magazine IOS client, normal operation, suitable for learning)
IOS表格组件,运用UITableVIew开发生产(IOS Spreadsheet Component)
iphone3开发基础教程中的例子,对初学者相当有用。主要使用interface builder进行界面开发。(The iphone3 develop basic tutorial example, useful for beginners. Main interface builder interface development)
google C Style Guide 是 Google 对开发人员提出的 Objective-C 代码编写规范,按照此规范编写的代码将具有极高的可读性和规范性,解决“读代码难”和“改代码比重写还麻烦”的问题。(google C Style Guide to the Google developers Objective-C coding specifications, in accordance with this specification writing code that will have high readability and normative solve " difficult," read the code and change the code in the proportion of write trouble " problem.)
一个音乐信息检索领域的工具包,支持例如节奏,音色,旋律,情感等多层音频特征的提取以及可视化(MIRtoolbox has been developed within the context of a Europeen Project called “Tuning the Brain for Music”, funded by the NEST (New and Emerging Science and Technology) program of the European Commission. The project, coordinated by Mari Tervaniemi from the Cognitive Brain Research Unit of the Department of Helsinki, is dedicated to the study of music and emotion, with collaboration between neurosciences, cognitive psychology and computer science.)
用objective-c写的扫雷游戏,很经典,涉及到了很多知识,尤其是算法(Written in objective-c minesweeping game, classic, design a wide range of knowledge, especially in the algorithm.)
一个演示IOS View 的程序,学完之后,View就不难了(A demonstration of IOS View procedure, after school, View is not difficult)
是iphone开发的小例子,具有tabviewcontroller,可以切换页。具有查询网站功能,音乐播放功能,视频播放功能的实例代码(a small case used in iphone development, you can follow to learn to swith tab, audio play,movie play and so on)
语义词典,单词相似度匹配,字典专业术语本体匹配项目 概念结点 相似度匹配 (Semantic dictionary )
mac os x 系统安装需要的一些内核(mac os x system installation requires some of the core)