▍1. json-1.5
json(JavaScript Object Notation)的源代码,方便编写成格式(json (JavaScript Object Notation) the source code into a format to facilitate the preparation)
json(JavaScript Object Notation)的源代码,方便编写成格式(json (JavaScript Object Notation) the source code into a format to facilitate the preparation)
Extech PLM中创建物料的开发页面,改变了传统的PLM物料创建页面,可以定制化(Extech PLM to create materials development page to change the traditional PLM materials create a page, can be customized)
看到有 Python版 http://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_120579_14455 和 java 版的 http://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_96412_9253 但是没有c#版的 就自己写了个 欢迎指教(See the the Python version http://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_120579_14455 java version http://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_96412_9253 but no c# version on their own to write a welcome advice)
java file for tsp problem solution and neural network sample mode .diffrent techniques in neural network
分析Newark- 法计算步骤与公式相似性,编写一个简单同意的计算机程序(Newark-step analysis method similar to the formula, agreed to write a simple computer program)
interface定义了一组行为的协议。两个对象之间通过这个协议进行通信。 interface 不属于类层次结构。不相关的类可以实现相同的接口(interface defines a set of conduct agreement. Through this agreement between the two objects to communicate. interface does not belong to class hierarchy. Unrelated classes can implement the same interface)
java程序员上班那点事儿自己看过还可以的书免费跟大家共享(java programmer at work that point Shier his book can also be seen free of charge with the share)
USB通信原理和实力,简单适用原理和实力,简单适用(usb tongxun yuanli he jieshao )
Java 本地调用C++ 进行光纤切趾光栅仿真,用于网络仿真(Java calling C++, the local fiber grating apodization simulation, for Network Simulation)
AES Block Cipher Calculator. Given key and input string, encrypts to AES standards. Java source code.
使用Java蓝牙无线通讯技术API概述之二(The use of Java Bluetooth wireless communication technology of the two API Overview)
java试题,供java程序员检查自己的学习成果。班门弄斧,主要为了下载一些好的程序(java test)
二叉树的实验报告 源码以及运行结果的说明(Experimental report bintree source and run results)
迷宫算法,给定一七点,给定一终点,找出迷宫路径(Maze algorithm, given 17 points, to set one end of the maze to find the path)