▍1. 管家婆项目
帮助初学者快速入门java,管家婆项目,实现对数据库的连接,同时对数据库进行增删改查操作。(To help beginners quickly get started, Java, housekeeper project, to achieve database connectivity, while adding additions and deletions to the database to check operation.)
超市账单管理系统后台模板,HTML页面展现(Supermarket bill management system background template, HTML page display)
人工蜂群代码,用于算法的基础学习,仅供参考。 也可以用来进行java代码的学习(Artificial bee colony code, for the basic learning algorithm. It can also be used to learn java codes)
成绩管理系统,对成绩管理,有成绩的录入,管理,分类等(achievement score result mark management system supervising system supervisory system manage supervise administrate Administration entering classify classification assortment)
遗传算法java代码实现,遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法(GeneticAlgorithm,download from github)
ognl中的context实例,简单易懂,适用于初学者。(The example of context in ognl is simple and easy to understand, and is suitable for beginners.)
自从Adobe公司1993年第一次发布公共PDF参考以来,支持各种语言和平台的PDF工具和类库就如雨后春笋般涌现。然而,Java应用开发中Adobe技术的支持相对滞后了。 自从Adobe公司1993年第一次发布公共PDF参考以来,支持各种语言和平台的PDF工具和类库就如雨后春笋般涌现。然而,Java应用开发中Adobe技术的支持相对滞后了。这是个奇怪的现象,因为PDF文档是企业信息系统存储和交换信息的大势所趋,而Java技术特别适合这种应用。然而,Java开发人员似乎直到最近才获得成熟可用的PDF支持。 PDFBox(一个BSD许可下的源码开放项目)是一个为开发人员读取和创建PDF文档而准备的纯Java类库。它提供如下特性: 提取文本,包括Unicode字符。 和Jakarta Lucene等文本搜索引擎的整合过程十分简单。 加密/解密PDF文档。 从PDF和XFDF格式中导入或导出表单数据。 向已有PDF文档中追加内容。 将一个PDF文档切分为多个文档。 覆盖PDF文档。(The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents. Apache PDFBox also includes several command-line utilities. Apache PDFBox is published under the Apache License v2.0.)
基于原型的目标函数聚类方法,数据点到原型的某种距离作为优化的目标函数,利用函数求极值的方法得到迭代运算的调整规则(A prototype based objective function clustering method, the data point to a certain distance from the prototype is used as the objective function of the optimization, and the adjustment rule of the iterative operation is obtained by the method of finding the extremum of the function.)
学习Java过程的Java web 登录页面(Learning the Java web login page of the Java process)
本程序实现了简单的基于Java程序的perti网运行过程仿真。(Operation simulation of Petri Network)
DE算法作为一种新的进化算法被广泛关注,它的改进算法层出不穷,但最经典的莫过于JADE(DE algorithm has been widely concerned as a new evolutionary algorithm. Its improved algorithms emerge in an endless stream, but the most classic is JADE.)
移动业务的开发,基于spring struts2 hibernate技术进行开发的管理页面系统。(Mobile business development, based on spring struts2 hibernate technology development management page system.)
The concrete implementation of the ANN algorithm, written by itself, may have some minor problems, but the overall problem should be small.
GenericServlet类,对于学习javaweb,这个类很重要所以要了解去原理。(GenericServlet class, for learning javaweb, this class is very important so understand the principle.)
使用Java编写的国际象棋的源码,仅供大家灿烂靠(The source code for chess written in Java,It is only for everyone to be brilliant.)