▍1. mutifractal
这是一个关于多重分形的函数,效果与众不同(This is a study on multi-fractal function of the effect of different)
这是一个关于多重分形的函数,效果与众不同(This is a study on multi-fractal function of the effect of different)
说明: 利用WDEN函数来对光谱进行去噪,其中包含小波分解和重构方法。(WDEN function to make use of spectra denoising, which includes wavelet decomposition and reconstruction method.)
说明: 用matlab绘画出贝塞尔函数图形,加深对贝塞尔函数的认识。(Painting with a Bessel function matlab graphics, deepen their understanding of Bessel functions.)
说明: 图像的泊松编辑,利用泊松方程,将一个目标(月亮)无缝的插入到另一个场景(夜空)中,参考论文:Poisson_Image_Editing。(Poisson image editing, the use of Poisson)
说明: 基于分水岭算法的图像分割对比,通过引入3种分水岭分割算法进行对比比较,对层次感较强的图像进行处理。(Based on watershed algorithm for image segmentation comparison, through the introduction of three kinds of watershed segmentation algorithm for contrast comparison, a strong sense of the level of image treatment.)
Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms.pdf Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms.pdf
这个程序实现了图像的滤波,经过滤之后,图像噪点可以被去除(This procedure realize image filtering, followed by filtering, image noise can be removed)
程序目录 附录一。MATLAB程序:busmod.m文件 % 汽车悬架系统模型建立 附录二。MATLAB程序:PID.m文件 % 悬架系统根轨迹图和PID控制器设计 附录三。MATLAB程序:bode.m文件 % 汽车悬架系统Bode图法频率响应设计 附录四。MATLAB程序:stafeed.m文件 % 汽车悬架系统的状态反馈控制器设计 附录五。MATLAB程序:modela.m文件 % 双轮汽车悬架系统的动力学仿真主程序 附录六。MATLAB程序:model.m文件 % 双轮汽车悬架系统状态方程模型子程序 附录七。MATLAB程序:busmod2.m文件 % 双轮汽车悬架系统模型 附录八。MATLAB程序:PIDf.m文件 % 汽车前悬挂系统减震系统的PID控制器设计 附录九。MATLAB程序:PIDb.m文件 % 汽车后悬挂系统减震系统的PID控制器设计 附录十。MATLAB程序:Fevfunc.m文件 % ER 减振器阻尼特性函数插值 附录十一。MATLAB程序:FevFig.m文件 % ER 减振器阻尼特性函数绘图 附录十二。MATLAB程序:BusFUN.m文件 % ER 电流变减振系统分析 (未调成功) 附录十三。MATLAB程序:BusGUI.m文件 % 单悬挂减振器常规控制器设计动画演示界面(err)
ct图像中由于机械震动引起的条状伪影的计算机仿真与重建(ct images due to vibrations caused by mechanical artifacts strip computer simulation and reconstruction)
极大值抑制与双阈值门限得到图像边缘: * nonmaxsup.m Code for performing non-maxima suppression for edge images.(Maxima suppression and dual-threshold threshold obtained Edge:* nonmaxsup.m Code for performing non-maxima suppression for edge images.)
图像的EAPOCS超分辨率算法,可以实现边缘抑制的POCS算法(EAPOCS image super-resolution algorithm, can inhibit the realization of the edge of the POCS algorithm)
能快速的将两幅彩色图像进行拼接 mosaic two images fast(Will be able to fast two color mosaic images mosaic two images fast)
最近看到的一些关于盲源分离的算法,这是基于最大熵原则的盲源分离算法(Recently seen a number of blind source separation algorithm, which is based on the principle of maximum entropy algorithm for blind source separation)
在一幅图像上画圆,可以输入二值或灰度图像(Drawcircle in an image, you can enter binary or gray image)
Meanshift算法用于视频目标跟踪,供各位参考(Meanshift target tracking algorithm for video for your reference)
本程序实现两幅图象的渐变,利用的是图象多项式扭曲技术,里面已包含图片(the program changed two images using the polynomial distorted image technology, which includes Photo)
用matlab程序画一个透明的半球,可以随便旋转,改一改以后可以画全球(using Matlab procedures painting a transparent hemisphere, can freely rotate and can be modified after drawing global)