▍1. ols-0.9.7-RC1-full.tar
OLS Client Software for 64bit Linux and open-jdk
OLS Client Software for 64bit Linux and open-jdk
OLS Client Software for 64bit Linux and open-jdk
代码整洁之道 PDF中文版 大师级人物Robert C.Martin的大名鼎鼎著作。都是经典的肺腑之言。 好代码和糟糕的代码之间的区别:如何编写好代码,如何将糟糕的代码转化为好代码:如何创建好名称、好函数、好对象和好类;如何格式化代码以实现其可读性的最大化:如何在不妨碍代码逻辑的前提下充分实现错误处理;如何进行单元测试和测试驱动开发。 (The code tidy Road PDF Chinese gurus Robert C.Martin famous writings. Are classic heartfelt words. The difference between good code and bad code: how to write good code, how bad code into good code: how to create a good name, good functions, good objects, and good classes how to format the code in order to achieve its readability the maximization of: how to code logic without prejudice to the premise of the full realization of the error handling how unit testing and test-driven development.)