一个大学餐厅的管理系统,采用ACCESS作为数据库,VC++6.0源码开发,支持桌号管理,点击桌号可查看菜谱菜价等。系统分四大模块:前台销售、统计报表、基础资料、系统维护,每个模块下面又分了若干小功能模块。运行时如果你没有VC++开发环境的话,可能需要手动下载几个DLL文件:MFC42D.DLL、MFCD42D.DLL、mfco42d.dll等(A university restaurant management system, using ACCESS as , VC++6.0 source development, support management table number, click on the table number to view recipes and other vegetables. System is divided into four modules: front sales, statistics, biography, system maintenance, each module are subdivided into a number of smaller modules. If you do not run VC++ development environment, you may need to manually download several DLL files: MFC42D.DLL, MFCD42D.DLL, mfco42d.dll etc.)