▍1. SpeechLib_TLB
微软tts5.4语音识别与合成库文件前提是要安装microsoft tts 5,4 sdk(Micosoft TTs 5.4 develops the necessary library files, provided that the Microsoft TTS 5,4 SDK is installed)
微软tts5.4语音识别与合成库文件前提是要安装microsoft tts 5,4 sdk(Micosoft TTs 5.4 develops the necessary library files, provided that the Microsoft TTS 5,4 SDK is installed)
Code for AES conversion
说明: Code for AES conversion
说明: lib for delphi hash ,crypto
It collects results from referee. It can contrlol a table.
Unit: ClrGrid; VCL: TColorStringGrid Version 1.1 TColorStringGrid adds an OnGetCellColor event to TStringGrid allowing you to set the attributes of the Brush and Font for each cell just before the text is drawn.
Quitar caracteres de un string
stringaligngrid非常好用,欢迎下载,可留言。(stringaligngrid is good welcome)
ImageEn 图像处理、 查看、分析控件。能够读取和保存多种图像格式,并能从扫描仪中(单页和多页)获取图像、捕获视频、添加滤镜效果、合并图像、选择图像区域(支持魔术棒)等等。(ImageEn is an extensive component suite for image editing, display and analysis written in pure VCL code for Delphi and C++ Builder)
new feature fo open gl programmer the last ever
定向清除浏览器上面网站缓存的内容,可以指定某一个网站,也可以清除全部网站缓存(Targeted to clear the contents of the web cache above the browser)
根据数学函数,如一次函数,二次函数画曲线,一元三次,圆锥曲线,三角函数,指数,对数函数等画曲线(According to the mathematical functions, such as the first function, the two function, the curve, one yuan, three times, conic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic function, etc.)