本书共有数值计算中常用的Delphi子过程100多个,内容包括解线性代数方程组、插值、数值积分、特殊函数、函数逼近、特征值问题、数据拟合、方程求根和非线性方程组求解、函数的极值和最优化、数据的统计描述、傅里叶变换谱方法、解常微分方程组和解偏微分方程组。每一个过程都包括功能、方法、使用说明、过程和例子五部分。-the numerical calculation commonly used for the Delphi process more than 100, including solutions of linear algebraic equations, interpolation, numerical integration, special, function approximation, eigenvalue problems, data fitting equation Root and solve nonlinear equations, functions and the extreme optimization, statistical data description, Fourier transform spectra, solution of ordinary differential equations reconciliation partial differential equations. Each course includes a function, method, use, process, and examples of five parts.