▍1. Socket文件传输(含服务端以及客户端源码)
Socket文件传输 传输任意格式文件
tcp/ip的客户端程序,是我自己写的,希望可以帮到大家。(client coder of tcp/ip)
自动抓取某网站的数据,并且按照指定的格式、指定的位置、指定的命名自动存储数据(Automatically grab data from a website, and automatically store data according to the specified format, specified location and named naming.)
Simple employee information system program()
多线程的应用,用加锁的方式来优化线程,体会加锁的重要性(Multithreading application)
实现了图片轮播的功能,只需要调整样式就行,轮播的当前页也显示了的(Realized the function of the picture rotation, only need to adjust the style, the current page of the wheel is also displayed.)
STM32实现心率传感器采集数据,触摸屏呈现图像和数据(STM32 realizes the heart rate sensor to collect data, the touch-screen presents the image and the data.)
使用qt实现网络爬虫,爬取自己感兴趣的图片。原理是采集地址,然后存数据,再去下载。(Use QT to achieve web crawler and crawl pictures that you are interested in. The principle is to collect addresses, then store data, and then download them.)
远程监控示例,含服务器端、客户端示例代码,有相关需要的可以参考下(Remote monitoring example, including server side, client sample code, there are related needs can be referred to.)