▍1. stm32f103
控制卡控制步进伺服电机 有直线加减速功能 减速停止 急停 脉冲发送 输入IO 输出IO(control card)
控制卡控制步进伺服电机 有直线加减速功能 减速停止 急停 脉冲发送 输入IO 输出IO(control card)
汇编程序实现二维矩阵乘法计算,可用在CCS软件仿真(This is a program edited by myself.It can be used to learn how to use CCS to check result of a program.)
disable test until stroke reduction is supported.
Renesas Solutions Highlander R7780MP Support.
DSP-BIOS Bridge driver support functions for Linux v2.13.6.
该压缩包包含基于S3C6410的检测电机转速的驱动程序以及上层的调试程序(The archive contains S3C6410-based detection of motor speed drivers and upper debugger)
该压缩包包含基于S3C6410的检测电机转速的驱动程序以及上层的调试程序(The archive contains S3C6410-based detection of motor speed drivers and upper debugger)
tai lieu tu hoc ccs cua chanchu ,kinh moi cac ban don xem
freescale 飞思卡尔 8156 6核 TD-LTE 基带基站开发手册,专用于4G TD-LTE enodeb 基站基带板开发,该芯片被广泛应用于中兴/ALU/摩托罗拉 4G基站。(the freescale Freescale 8156 6core TD-LTE baseband base station development manual, dedicated to the 4G TD-LTE enodeb base station baseband board development, the chips are widely used in ZTE/ALU/Motorola 4G base station.)
dsp2811-2开发所用的COMmon头文件,希望对大家有所帮助(dsp2811-2 development header files used COMmon)
DSP嵌入式系统开发典型案例 第一章 绪论 对DSP嵌入式开发的介绍(DSP Embedded Systems Development Case Introduction of the first chapter describes the development of embedded DSP)