▍1. automaticbander
本文致力于研究和开发一种成本低、结构紧凑、操作方便的自动捆扎机。主要工作是根据实际的捆扎工艺,设计了捆扎机的总体结构;然后对捆扎工艺中的关键技术进行了深入研究,设计了机电一体化机构,运用PLC编程来实现控制系统,最终实现捆扎,转动,推箱等动作。本设计为快速方便的实现十字形捆扎提供了一种可靠的装置。( The major work is designing the overall structure of Automatic Strapping Machine according to the actual bind process. Then the key technologies of the labeling are studied, design a mechanism of electromechanical integration, use of PLC programming to achieve control system. Finally, Realize binding, rotating, pushing the carton and other movement. This designed a rapid realization of cross Banding mahchine.)