▍1. 基于非负矩阵分解算法进行盲信号分离
基于非负矩阵分解算法进行盲信号分离(based on non-negative matrix factorization algorithm for Blind Signal Separation)
基于非负矩阵分解算法进行盲信号分离(based on non-negative matrix factorization algorithm for Blind Signal Separation)
pdg格式,asp。net入门(PDG format, asp. Net Portal)
密码的破解与反破解手册(crack passwords and anti-crack Manual)
C#语言自C/C++演变而来。但是,它现代、简单、完全面向对象和类型安全。如果您是C/C++程序员,学习曲线将会很平坦。许多C#语句直接借用您所喜爱的语言,包括表达式和操作符。假如不仔细看,简直会把它当成C++。(C# language since C/C evolved from. However, its modern, simple, fully object-oriented and type safety. If you are C/C programmers, and the learning curve will be very flat. Many C# statements directly borrow your favorite language, including expression and operator. If not careful, it will be just as C.)
ao go的汇编论坛精华(ao go to the essence of the compilation Forum)
Oracle数据库管理员技术指南系列丛书(Oracle database administrator technical guidelines Series)
电磁场计算的矩量法论文(electromagnetic field of papers Moment Method)
混凝土开裂有限元分析(concrete cracking Finite Element Analysis)
齐全的Window API,VC、VB、CB等都可用到的。(complete Window API, VC, VB, CB so available to.)
Turboc2.0函数大全.zip(Turboc2.0 function Daquan. Zip)
软件工程—实践者的研究方法(software engineering-practice research methods)
ROAM实时动态LOD地形渲染(Applying ROAM real-time dynamic LOD Terrain Rendering)