▍1. libgdx
Libgdx tutorial in java game engin
这是一款应用游戏引擎的例子,希望对大家能有帮助(This is an application example of the game engine, we hope to be able to help)
jME (jMonkey Engine)是一个基于图形api的高性能的场景图,基本知识来源于David Eberly的3D game engine Design;jME使用java编写,是一个全特性的图形引擎,使用抽象层,可以使用多个图形系统进行渲染,现在LWJGL 和JOGL都可以实现了。jME为开源,可以在任何授权下使用,商业的或者非商业的都包括。(jME (jMonkey Engine) is a high-performance graphics-based scene graph api, basic knowledge comes from David Eberly s 3D game engine Design jME use java prepared, is a full-featured graphics engine, the use of abstraction layer, you can use multiple graphics system for rendering, now LWJGL And JOGL can be achieved. jME is open source, you can use any license, commercial or non-commercial are included.)
jME (jMonkey Engine)是一个基于图形api的高性能的场景图,基本知识来源于David Eberly的3D game engine Design;jME使用java编写,是一个全特性的图形引擎,使用抽象层,可以使用多个图形系统进行渲染,现在LWJGL 和JOGL都可以实现了。jME为开源,可以在任何授权下使用,商业的或者非商业的都包括。(jME (jMonkey Engine) is a high-performance graphics-based scene graph api, basic knowledge comes from David Eberly s 3D game engine Design jME use java prepared, is a full-featured graphics engine, the use of abstraction layer, you can use multiple graphics system for rendering, now LWJGL And JOGL can be achieved. jME is open source, you can use any license, commercial or non-commercial are included.)