▍1. C++/MFC 智能五子棋(含代码) 双人游戏 人机对战 联网对战
说明: JSB仿真模型开发,飞机仿真模型开发。可用于制作游戏以及战斗机模型仿真。(Development of aircraft simulation model)
说明: 黑白棋的棋盘是一个有8*8方格的棋盘。下棋时将棋下在空格中间,而不是像围棋一样下在交叉点上。开始时在棋盘正中有两白两黑四个棋子交叉放置,黑棋总是先下子。 下子的方法:把自己颜色的棋子放在棋盘的空格上,而当自己放下的棋子在横、竖、斜八个方向内有一个自己的棋子,则被夹在中间的全部翻转会成为自己的棋子。并且,只有在可以翻转棋子的地方才可以下子。(The chessboard of black and white is a chessboard with 8 * 8 squares. When playing chess, the game is played in the middle of the space, not at the intersection like go. At the beginning, there are two white, two black and four pieces in the center of the board. Black chess always comes first. Sub method: put the pieces of your own color on the space of the board, and when the pieces you put down have one of your own pieces in the horizontal, vertical and oblique directions, all the pieces in the middle will be turned into your own pieces. In addition, only in the place where the chess pieces can be flipped can they be flipped.)
说明: 在一个方阵上通过两人对弈的形式,依次在棋盘上放置两种颜色的棋子,哪一方先让五个棋子形成一条直线(包括横、竖、对角线3个方向),即为获胜,本程序实现用键盘控制的五子棋游戏。游戏初始运行界面应为如下:(In the form of two people playing chess in a square array, place two kinds of color pieces on the chessboard in turn. Which side first makes five pieces form a straight line (including three directions of horizontal, vertical and diagonal), that is to win. This program realizes the game of five pieces controlled by keyboard. The initial operation interface of the game shall be as follows:)
DOTween Pro 0.9.690.unitypackage
说明: 实验课实现的简易五子棋人机对弈系统。可以选择不同难度。(A simple man-machine game system of Gobang is realized in the experimental course. You can choose different difficulties.)
修正延迟 解压缩後点install 然後重开机完就可以了 近战挥刀会顺很多(Paradise 1 does not get stuck with a knife)
说明: 修正延迟 解压缩後点install 然後重开机完就可以了 近战挥刀会顺很多(Paradise 1 does not get stuck with a knife)
神途全自动挂机单开、多开,支持市面上通版。调试可用。(Shendu fully automatic hang-up single-open, multi-open, support the market version. Debugging is available.)
经典三界神话MUD游戏,这个算比较新的版本了!(Classic MUD game of three realms myth, this is a relatively new version!)
说明: 经典三界神话MUD游戏,这个算比较新的版本了!(Classic MUD game of three realms myth, this is a relatively new version!)
坦克大战游戏,源代码加成品。喜欢的可以下载玩一下(this game is tank game)