▍1. chess
用java界面编写的一款中国打谱象棋,可以制作棋谱,保存棋谱和自动演示。(Java interface to write a play spectrum of chess, you can create chess, save chess and automatic presentation.)
这是一个基于J2ME的五子棋手机游戏,用JAVA语言开发来实现,可能不是很完善,希望大家进行进一步的修改(This is a backgammon mobile games based on J2ME, JAVA language development to achieve, and may not be perfect, and hope that we further modify.)
扫雷游戏,实现了基本的游戏的功能,界面比金典扫雷游戏的更美观,而且,图片很好看呀(Minesweeper, realize the basic function of the game, than the golden interface minesweeper more beautiful, and the pictures are good ah)
简单的贪吃蛇游戏 java初学者可参看(A simple Snakegame for novice who learn java (英语不好 见谅))
J2ME手机游戏贪吃蛇源码,开发环境eclipse及eclipseme加WTK,windows xp操作系统。(J2ME mobile phone game Snake the source code, development the environment eclipse and eclipseme of plus The WTK windows xp operating system.)
本文主要研究基于Java 技术的中国象棋游戏的分析与设计,对中国象棋游戏特殊的行棋规则给予了细致的分析与理解,设计出了一种实时可行的行棋规则,从移动范围、移动方向和穿越障碍几个方面重新描述行棋规则,基于Java技术通过计算机模拟实现了中国象棋特殊的行棋规则算法,设计出了一种可行的方法,使每个棋子的行棋路线都严格遵循本身的行棋规则,游戏的实战对弈得以实现,通过实验运行,证明这种限定棋子行棋路线的方法是可行的,并得到了预期的目标(This paper studies the analysis and design of the Chinese chess game based on Java technology, a special line chess rules of Chinese chess game to give the detailed analysis and understanding to design a real-time feasible line chess rules, from the range of movement, direction of movementand through the obstacles to re-describe the line chess regulation)
用JAVA语音完成的关于游戏的毕业设计,内部包含源码,论文等部分。(Internal contains the source code, papers and other parts with JAVA voice to complete the graduation project on the game.)
java实现的俄罗斯方块游戏,实现了移动、翻转、变向等基本功能,和适合初级水平的java程序员联系(java implementation of the Tetris game, mobile, flip, change to the basic functions of java programmer suitable for primary level contact )
一款推箱子游戏的源代码,希望可以对游戏编程有帮助(I hope the source code of a Sokoban game can help your game programming)
迷宫小游戏,尽可能的模仿现实中的迷宫游戏(Maze small game, as far as possible the imitation of the real maze game )
用java开发的3D俄罗斯方块。用到些 openGL的东西。还有个版本是基于C++开发的。请在站内搜索(3D Tetris )
一个网络五子棋游戏的源代码和文档,输入IP地址即可联网进行对战(The source file and document of a internet gobang game)
Swing,PC上 叫做星际争霸这是 一个手机游戏完全源代码。(Swing, called on the PC Starcraft is a mobile game with full source code.)
跟小时候用麻将玩的连连看很像,就是简单的数字组成,是款很益智的小游戏(lianliankan is like a game that played with majiang in our childhood)
Tank大战,适合于初学者学习使用,欢迎大家下载使用(the war of Tank,is suit for learner)
采用swing实现贪吃蛇游戏的开发,食物的自动生成以及蛇的运动。(Snake game using swing to achieve the development of the automatic generation and the snake food movement.)