▍1. fasm_program_-manual
FASM 1.67中文版程序者手册。附带最新版FASM(17105) 学FASM必看。。(FASM 1.67 Chinese version of the program s manual. Comes with the latest version of FASM (17105) Learn FASM must-see. .)
FASM 1.67中文版程序者手册。附带最新版FASM(17105) 学FASM必看。。(FASM 1.67 Chinese version of the program s manual. Comes with the latest version of FASM (17105) Learn FASM must-see. .)
0-40 IS A COUNTER FOR ATMEL 89C52 PROTEUS simulated work! ASM CONTAINS AND PROTEUS to simulate proper activation DNS Or assemble
天书夜读-从汇编语言到Windows内核编程 天书夜读-从汇编语言到Windows内核编程(Heavenly night read- read from assembly language to the Windows kernel programming bible night- from assembly language to the Windows kernel programming)
Intel assemble instruction set, from 8086 to 80486, with clocks
定义字符串,倒叙输出该输出字符串汇编语言(Definition of string flashback output of the output string assembly language)
编写一个程序,新建一个文件:d:abc.txt,从键盘输入文件的内容(不超过100个字符)。然后新建一个文件:d:def.txt,将d:abc.txt文件的内容复制到d:def.txt。(Write a program to create a new file of organization: d: abc.txt, contents of the file from the keyboard input (not more than 100 characters). Then create a new file: d: def.txt, d: abc.txt file copied to d: def.txt.)
通过汇编语言,采用 8253/8254 的 CNT2 控制扬声器,演奏音乐。(Assembly language, using the 8253/8254 of the the CNT2 control speaker to play music.)
接口与通信技术实验指导书(Interface and communication technology experiment instructions )
汇编语言练习包括asm工具,link工具等,在命令行下使用。(asm exercise and debugger)
用32位汇编语言编写的2、8、10、16进制转换器,根据罗云彬的改编(32 assembly language to write the 2,8,10,16 hex converter the Luo Yunbin of adaptation)
自动天调代码,展示控制过程,来自国外网站,值得研究学习!(AUTO ANTANNA TUNER CODE)
1、定位 全方位、非商业而且有自己独特风格的黑客及安全站点。 2、目的 a、整理和发掘网络安全、黑客方面技术文献及工具、代码。 b、发布我们——包括任何一个对安全有想法的朋友——的想法和发现,为大家提供发布文章及安全、黑客相关工具的园地。 c、结识更多有共同志向的朋友,共同研究、讨论网络安全的方方面面。 (1, positioning All-round, non-commercial and has its own unique style of hacking and security sites. 2, the purpose of a, organize and explore the network security, hacker tools for technical documentation and code. b, release us- including the idea of any security with a friend- ideas and discoveries, as we publish articles and provide security, hacking tools of garden. c, a common ambition to get to know more friends, to study, discuss all aspects of network security. )
用微机汇编语言编写时钟程序,能够显示几分几秒的那种(Clock with a computer program written in assembly language )
一个简单的定时器,随着时间的切换,它可以闪现预定义的图片。(A timer which could show pictures by fixed frequency.)
3、 题目:输入1842——2006年之间的十进制数。 要求: (1) 要求必须有提示信息,并独占一行。 (2) 判断是否是闰年,如果是输出“yes”,否则输出“no”。 (提示:先除100,如果除尽了再用400除如果除不尽是闰年。(如果刚才的100没有除尽则用4除,除尽则为闰年。) (3) 以二进制输出xxxx年8月29日距离1842年8月29日的月数。 (4) 以十进制输出xxxx年8月29日距离1842年8月29日的天数。 (3, the title: Enter 1842--2006 decimal number between the years. Requirements: (1) requires the existence of a message, and its own line. (2) to determine whether it is a leap year, if the output " yes" , otherwise output " no" . (Hint: first addition to the 100, except if divisible by the then 400 is a leap year if the indivisible (If you just use the 100 is not divisible by 4 except, divisible was a leap year.) (3) in the binary output xxxx August 29 from August 29, 1842 the number of months. (4) decimal output xxxx years from August 29, August 29, 1842 the number of days.)