▍1. Hacker-Programming
《黑客编程基础》包括木马、恶意程序、病毒、缓冲区溢出攻击、dos攻击过程的源码分析和黑客编程实例。( Hacker Programming Fundamentals includes Trojans, malware, virus, buffer overflow attacks, dos source code analysis of the process and hacker attacks programming examples.)
《黑客编程基础》包括木马、恶意程序、病毒、缓冲区溢出攻击、dos攻击过程的源码分析和黑客编程实例。( Hacker Programming Fundamentals includes Trojans, malware, virus, buffer overflow attacks, dos source code analysis of the process and hacker attacks programming examples.)
这是一个木马自删除行为,比较可以的源代码,希望采纳!(This is a Trojan since deleted behavior, comparison of source code, adopted by the hope! )