▍1. 6283
简易二值化演示易语言源码,例程程序使用嵌套循环改变画板颜色演示了图像二值化的简单过程。(Simple binary demonstrate easy language source code , a routine procedure uses nested loop Sketchpad color change demonstrates the binary image of a simple process .)
简易二值化演示易语言源码,例程程序使用嵌套循环改变画板颜色演示了图像二值化的简单过程。(Simple binary demonstrate easy language source code , a routine procedure uses nested loop Sketchpad color change demonstrates the binary image of a simple process .)
简单图像识别技术源码,例程程序结合易语言模块智圆行方GDI-GDI+高级模块 5.5.ec,根据图像的特征进行识别。(Simple image recognition technology source , routine program combining easy language module Zhiyuan line party GDI-GDI + advanced module 5.5.ec, to identify the characteristics of the image .)
仿迅雷7特效源码,例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数和易语言模块GDIPlus类1.1.ec,模仿实现迅雷7窗口特效。(Thunder 7 Source imitation effects , combined with easy language extensions routine program interface support library , call the API function and ease of language modules GDIPlus class 1.1.ec, imitate achieve Thunder 7 window effects.)
RGB_CMYK颜色值互换易语言源码,例程程序结合易语言应用接口支持库,通过计算实现RGB_CMYK颜色值的互换。(RGB_CMYK color value exchange easy language source code , routine program application interfaces combined with easy language support library , by calculating RGB_CMYK interchangeable color values.)
图形按钮制作源码,程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和应用接口支持库,调用易语言模块易语言高级对话框1.43.ec中的命令实现图形按钮的制作。(Graphical buttons make the source code, combined with easy language Programs support library expansion interface and application interface support library , call the easy language module easy language Advanced dialog box 1.43.ec in order to achieve the production of graphical buttons .)
多种图像格式转换例程源码,使用易语言诺亚鸿飞增强支持库实现对图像格式的转换,例程支持对BMP与JPG、ICO之间的转换(A variety of image format conversion routines source , using easy language support library Noah Hongfei enhanced to achieve the conversion of the image format conversion routines support for BMP and JPG, ICO between)
取窗口信息源码程序,例程结合易语言应用接口支持库,调用API函数取鼠标指向的窗口信息。(Take the window information source program , a routine application interface combined with easy language support library , call the API function takes mouseover information window .)
自动修改歌曲文件名源码,例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数和易语言模块实现修改歌曲文件名功能。(Automatically modify the source song file names , routine program combined with easy language support library expansion interface , API function calls and easy language module to modify the song file name functions.)
取计算机基本信息源码,例程程序结合易语言应用接口支持库和网络通讯支持库,实现取计算机基本信息。(Take basic computer source , routine program application interfaces combined with easy language support library and network communications support library , take the computer to achieve the basic information .)
获取与设置鼠标双击时间源码,程序调用API函数获取与设置鼠标双击时间。(Get and set the mouse double-click on the time source, the program calls the API function to get and set the mouse double-click the time .)
批量文件加密源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和易语言第三方超级加解密支持库,实现文件的批量加密。(Batch file encryption source code, the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface third party super easy language support library encryption and decryption , encrypted files in batches .)
查找本机登入QQ号码昵称源码,例程结合易语言第三方支持库网络浏览框支持库,实现查找本机登入QQ的号码和昵称。(Find the machine nickname login QQ number source , routine combined with easy language support library of third-party Web browser frame support library that implements the look of the machine login QQ number and nickname.)
刷网页流量工具源码程序,例程结合易语言模块彗星HTTP应用模块.ec,调用API函数实现网页访问。(Brush tool web traffic source programs, routines combined with easy language module Comet HTTP application module .ec, call the API functions Web access .)
百度空间音乐采集器源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和互联网支持库,访问百度空间私人音乐地址,进行内容的解析得到音乐的下载地址。(Baidu space music collection source code, program expansion interface combined with easy language support library and Internet support libraries , private music address space access Baidu , the content is parsed music download address .)
图片灰度化源码程序,结合易语言位图操作支持库,调用API函数实现图片的灰度化。(Grayscale image source program , combined bitmap operations easy language support library , call the API function grayscale images .)
智能嵌入桌面源码,程序结合易语言应用接口支持库,调用易语言模块彗星真彩控件.ec实现嵌入桌面效果。(Intelligent embedded in the desktop source , combined with easy language application program interface support library , call easy language module comet .ec achieve true color controls embedded desktop effects .)
GDI绕鼠标旋转的文本源码,例程程序结合易语言模块,调用API函数实现文本绕鼠标旋转。(GDI around the mouse to rotate the text source , combined with easy language module routine program , call the API functions around the mouse to rotate the text .)
获取系统进程信息源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,实现拖放EXE文件并提取图标的功能。(Get system processes information source program, combined with easy language support library expansion interface , drag and drop the icon of EXE file and extract capabilities.)
平滑滚动显示任意长文本源码,例程程序演示了使用画板实现平滑文字滚屏效果。(Smooth scrolling display any long text source , routine program demonstrates the use of Sketchpad smooth text scrolling effects.)
端口扫描器源码,例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数扫描端口。(Port scanner source, routine program expansion interface combined with easy language support library , call the API function scans ports.)