▍1. operate
程序是关于四则运算的,对操作数进行+,——,*,/运算,有强大的功能(Program is about to operate, then the number+,-,*,/operations, a powerful functions)
程序是关于四则运算的,对操作数进行+,——,*,/运算,有强大的功能(Program is about to operate, then the number+,-,*,/operations, a powerful functions)
一,数据结构 struct user{ char username[16] char userID[18] char usercode[3] char userline[3] struct user *unext struct user *uprior (one, user data structure struct (char username [16] char userI D [18] char usercode char [3] [3] userline struc t user unext struct user** uprior)