▍1. Classic-single-linked-list
单链表是C经典数据结构算法和数据结构,希望这对大家学习有点用(Classic single-linked list data structure in C algorithms and data structures, which we hope to learn a little bit with)
单链表是C经典数据结构算法和数据结构,希望这对大家学习有点用(Classic single-linked list data structure in C algorithms and data structures, which we hope to learn a little bit with)
效验算法单循环链表,这些都是实用经典的算法和数据结构(Well-tested algorithm round robin list, these are practical classic algorithms and data structures)
数据结构中插入排序,堆栈排序等的用法还有希尔排序(Data structure insertion sort, stack, sort, etc. use well sorted Hill)
数据结构中链式队列和堆栈的循环用法,非常有用(Queue data structure in the chain and the cycle stack usage, very useful)
哈密顿图的判定:经过图中所有顶点一次且仅一次的回路称为哈密顿回路。具有哈密顿回路的图称为哈密顿图,(determine Hamiltonian graph : After all the vertices of a graph and only one loop is called Hamiltonian circuit. A graph that has a Hamiltonian circuit is called a Hamiltonian map,)
使用不同的方法解决背包问题:本算法采用的是动态规划方法,比较好的解决背包问题。(Use different methods to solve knapsack problem: The algorithm is a dynamic programming approach, a better solution to knapsack problem.)
严蔚敏:数据结构题集(c语言版)是经典的数据结构书籍,对于计算机专业的学生是必备的(Yan Wei-min: data structure problem sets (c-language version) is a classic data structure books for computer science students is essential)
广度优先搜索及深度优先搜索,用C语言实现,比较使用(Breadth-first search and depth first search, using C language, compared with)
此代码为折半查找算法,适用于有序表,欢迎各位下载(This code is the binary search algorithm for ordered lists )
1. 熟悉动态规划的使用方法 2. 分析投资问题的最优子结构 3. 用动态规划求解投资问题 求解总投资额为m,共有n个项目,Gi(x)为向第i项工程投资费用为x时的收益,如何分配资源才能获得最大利润。 (1. Familiar with dynamic programming using method 2. Analysis of the optimal sub-structure of investment 3 investment using dynamic programming to solve a total investment of $ m, a total of n items, Gi (x) for the project to the investment costs of the i when the income of x, how to allocate resources in order to maximize profits.)
数据结构课设,城市地铁站的设计与使用规划(Set data structure class, subway station design and use of planning)
X位赋0mintest是实现芯片功耗测试不确定位填充算法(X-bit chip is to achieve the power conferred 0mintest test uncertain bit stuffing algorithm)
实现对二叉树的一个指定的操作或用二叉树解决一应用问题 问题描述:对任意输入的一段英文,为每个字符编制其相应的赫夫曼编码;并利用该编码为任意输入的0、1序列进行解码. (Binary tree to achieve a specified operation or application of a binary tree to solve the problem description: for any period of English input for the preparation of each character corresponding Huffman coding and use the code for any input 0,1 sequence decoding.)
单源点最短路径问题,这是一个很标准的程序,对于学习算法的同学很有帮助。(Single source shortest path problem, which is a standard procedure, and helpful for students learning algorithm.)
数据结构中图的存储结构的建立与搜索 建立图的二种存储结构 在不同的结构上实现遍历 (Data structure diagram of the storage structure of the establishment of the search to establish two kinds of graph storage structure in the different structures to achieve through)
对常见的各种算法精心总结,含源码。比如快速排序,shell排序,简单选择排序,堆排序,冒泡排序等算法(Various algorithms for the common well summed up, including source code. Such as quick sort, shell sort, simple selection sort, heap sort, bubble sort algorithms such as)
这是acm高手楼天城的比赛代码,很有用哦,对于提高算法非常有用(This is a master of building Tiancheng acm game code, very useful oh, for improving the algorithm)
银行排队叫号演示 课程设计报告 看看你能不能用能(Bank queuing demonstrate curriculum design to see if you can not use)
迷宫算法,1代表可以通过,0代表墙壁,自动找寻路线(Maze algorithm, 1 can pass 0 for the walls, automatically find routes)
编程实现Prim算法,基于最小堆数据结构,生成最小代价生成树。 (其中随机生成点和边,形成连通图) 根据输入的顶点数的不同,分析时间复杂度。(Implement Prim’s algorithms based on min-heap and disjoint set data structure for constructing a minimum cost spanning tree. Generate weighted undirected complete graph for given size n according to the following approach: 1) Randomly generate n points ( ) on a plane 2) Randomly generate k pairs of points as edges of the graph. 3) The weight of an edge of the graph is defined as the the Euclidean distance between two endpoints of the edge. )