▍1. sy1.cpp
实验内容: 建立一个包含图书(书号,书名,定价)信息的的链表,并具有如下功能: (1) 根据指定图书个数,逐个输入图书信息; (2) 根据书名进行查找,返回此书的书号和定价; (3) 根据指定的位置可返回相应的图书信息(书号,书名,定价); (4) 给定一个图书信息,插入到表中指定的位置; (5) 删除指定位置的图书记录; (6) 统计表中图书个数。 (It is a good c++.)
实验内容: 建立一个包含图书(书号,书名,定价)信息的的链表,并具有如下功能: (1) 根据指定图书个数,逐个输入图书信息; (2) 根据书名进行查找,返回此书的书号和定价; (3) 根据指定的位置可返回相应的图书信息(书号,书名,定价); (4) 给定一个图书信息,插入到表中指定的位置; (5) 删除指定位置的图书记录; (6) 统计表中图书个数。 (It is a good c++.)
利用數據結構中的棧,實現19世紀著名數學家高斯提出的八皇后問題(Stack data structure, to achieve the eight queens problem of the 19th century, the famous mathematician Gauss)
这个小程序,使用栈这种数据结构完成迷宫小程序。通过使用0,1手动创建迷宫,然后由程序找到迷宫的出路。主要是对栈的使用。(This little program, use this stack data structure to complete the maze applet. Through the use of 0,1 manually create the maze, and then find a way out of the maze by the program. Mainly use the stack.)
对于数据结构每一章节的相应的练习题,巩固好数据结构(To consolidate data structure corresponding practice questions for each chapter of the data structure)
单循环链表,用C++实现 提供入队,出队,判断空等方法(Single cycle linked list, with C++ into the team, the team judge waited in vain for methods)
编写一个将二叉树的所有叶子结点从左向右链接成单链表的算法(Write a binary tree leaf nodes from left to right links into a single linked list algorithm)
选择排序的实现,是一种基本的排序方法,但是时间复杂度相对较大。(Select Sort realization, is sort of a basic, but relatively large time complexity.)
这个是C++编译的单链表,其中包括多种链表操作,是很好的学习资料。(This is a C++ compiler single linked list, which includes a variety of linked list operations, is a good learning materials.)
本程序解决的是:模拟类似计算机主、缓存的存储结构,当用户请求某个页面时,若某个页面已在缓存中,则直接从缓存中去取,不会产生失误(即未在缓存中命中),否则,就到主存中去取,代价变大。 本程序采用随机标记算法,即在在线标记算法的基础上,对于替换页面时,采用随机从未标记的缓存项中选出一项进行替换。 代码、文档详尽(Addressed in this program are: analog computer-like main, cache storage structure, when the user requests a page, a page in the cache directly from the cache to fetch, does not produce errors (that is, not in the cache in the hit), otherwise, to the main memory to fetch a consideration of larger. This program uses a random marking algorithm, online marking algorithm based on random never mark the cache entry selected a replacement for the replacement page. Code, documentation detailed)
一、 地理数据文件应用 对由点、线、面构成的地理数据文件进行打开、读取、关闭操作。 要求: 1、在C++环境下,通过程序设计实现文本格式数据文件的操作; 2、在打开数据文件后,生成点、线、面三个链表,分别用于记录三种类型的数据。 3、数据文件结构说明 (Geographic data file applications by point, line, surface consisting of geographic data file open, read, and close operations. Requirements: in C++ environment, through the program design text format data file operations 2, open the data file, generate points, lines, surfaces three linked list, respectively, for the record three types of data. 3, a data file structure)
一个表达式和一个二叉树之间,存在着自然的对应关系。写一个程序,实现基于二叉树的表示的算术表达式Expression的操作。 基本要求 1.ReadExpr(E) 以字符序列的形式输入语法正确的前缀表示式并够着表达式E。 2.WriteExpr(E) 用带括弧的中缀表达式输出表达式E。 3.Assign(V,c) 实现对变量V的赋值(V=c),变量的初值为0。 4.Value(E) 对算术表达式E求值。 5.CompoundExpr(P,E1,E2) 构造一个新的复合表达式(E1)P(E2)。 (Between an expression and a binary tree, there is a natural correspondence relationship. Write a program to achieve the operation of the binary tree-based representation of the arithmetic expression Expression. The basic requirements for input grammatically correct prefix expressions 1.ReadExpr (E) in the form of a sequence of characters and enough with the expression E. 2.WriteExpr (E) output expression E infix expression with parentheses. 3.Assign (V, c) the assignment of the variable V (V = c), the initial value of the variable to 0. 4.Value (E) E evaluates arithmetic expressions. 5.CompoundExpr (P, E1, E2) to construct a new composite expressions (E1) P (E2).)
一个苹果走迷宫,支持最短路径寻路。可以使用方向键操作,也可以用户自己添加迷宫格式文件,生成迷宫图。(Apple Maze, shortest path routing. Can use the arrow keys to operate, the user can add their own maze format generated maze.)
VC简易通讯录,加强C的编程,熟悉链表文件的使用等。(Simple VC contacts, strengthen C programming, familiar with the use of a linked list file.)
自己编写的floyd 最短距离求解程序。实用简单。gcc (Floyd shortest distance to write your own solver. Practical and simple. gcc)
数据结构二叉树,及其遍历,镜像,输出等相关操作C++源码。(Binary tree data structure and its traversal, mirror, output the operation C++ source.)
实现折半查找,非递归形式,从而实现数据结构所要的结果。(To achieve binary search, the non-recursive form)
自己编写的几种经典的排序算法,里面有自己做的PPT详细讲解,希望有帮助吧(I have written several classic sorting algorithm, which own PPT explain in detail, I hope to help!)
用链表解决约瑟夫问题。 约瑟夫环是一个数学的应用问题:已知n个人(以编号1,2,3...n分别表示)围坐在一张圆桌周围。从编号为k的人开始报数,数到m的那个人出列;他的下一个人又从1开始报数,数到m的那个人又出列;依此规律重复下去,直到圆桌周围的人全部出列。 其中包括一个实验报告,介绍了编程思路和输出结果截图。(List to resolve Joseph. Josephus is the application of a mathematical problem: Given n individuals (numbered 1, 2, 3, ... n, respectively) sitting around a round table around. From number k people began to count off the number to m the man out of the line his next person and from a number off, the man was out of the line number to m so regularly repeated down until roundtable around of the people all of the columns. Including a lab report describes the programming ideas and output screenshots.)