▍1. 数据结构课程设计,用C语言编写的约瑟夫环
数据结构课程设计,用C语言编写的约瑟夫环-data structure course design, preparation of the C language Josephus
数据结构课程设计,用C语言编写的约瑟夫环-data structure course design, preparation of the C language Josephus
程序功能: 实现一元多项式的四则运算 ,用到的主要就是多现式的实现,除法实现起来是很复杂的。-procedures functions : achieving a polynomial of four operations is mainly used in the more- is the realization Apart from achieving up is very complex.
数据结构中的八皇后问题-data structure of the eight Queen"s problems
数据结构和算法中文第二版源代码程序打包下载-Data structures and algorithms second edition of the Chinese package download the source code program
离散01串问题,(n,k)01 串定义为:长度为n 的01 串,其中不含k 个连续的相同子串。对于给定的正整数n 和k,计算(n,k)01 串的个数。-discrete series of 01 questions, and (n, k) 01 Series : the definition of the length of n strings of 01, which is non-consecutive k-the same string. For a given positive integer n and k, calculated (n, k) 01 series of numbers.
用c语言设计实现一个用事件驱动的“救护车调度”离散模型,模拟120急救中心响应每个病人的呼救信号统一调度救护车运行的情况。 我们对问题作适当简化,假设:某城市共有m个可能的呼救点(居民小区、工厂、学校、公司、机关、单位等),分布着n所医院(包含在m个点中),有k辆救护车分派在各医院待命,出现呼救病人时,由急救中心统一指派救护车接送至最近的医院救治。救护车完成一次接送任务后即消毒,并回原处继续待命。假定呼救者与急救中心、急救中心与救护车之间的通讯畅通无阻,也不考虑道路交通堵塞的影响。可以用m个顶点的无向网来表示该城市的各地点和道路。时间可以分钟为单位,路段长可表示为救护车行驶化费的分钟数。 这里设m=10,n=3,k=2。并且令消毒时间为2分钟-language used to achieve a design using event-driven "ambulance dispatch" dispersion model to simulate 120 emergency response center each patient"s distress signal unified dispatching ambulances running. We issue the appropriate simplified assumptions : m in a certain city a total of 000 points possible hue (residential quarters, factories, schools, companies, organizations, units, etc.), distributed by the hospital n (m included in the points), k ambulances were deployed in the various hospitals on standby there cries of the patients, from the first-aid center unified ambulance escort assigned to the nearest hospital for treatment. Ambulance completed
fifo和lru页面置换算法-fifo and LRU algorithm replacement pages
sybase数据库同步备份1采用了tcp通信。 2实现自由选择主辅库。
字符串形式的表达式求值算法,支持4则运算和括号-The string forms of expression evaluation algorithm, to support the four operations and brackets
关于数据结构的多种排序算法-data on the structure of a variety of sorting algorithm
前段时间在做一款嵌入式项目,用到了SQLite数据库,现在就SQLite数据库中存取图片问题来与大家共享一下,对于二进制数据我们自然是不能够直接进行存储,在SQLite中我们可以将其转换而后存储。 在对主句操作之前我们先要打开数据库,SQLite给用户提供了丰富的API,足以使我们来驾驭它,利用sqlite3_open()函数,打开我们所要操作的数据库,接下来就是对于我们的图片文件的操作了,我在这里的方法便是将图片文件转换成字符流,而后进行存储。
三层数据库考试系统,很不错的,大家可以看看。-Three-tier examination system database, it is good, we will look at.
气泡排序,一个简单的排序10个数字,按从大到小排列-Bubble sort to sort a simple 10 figures, according to smallest order
关于数据结构的几篇文章-data on the structure of the articles
数据结构大作业的非界面版-large data structure of the non-operational interface version
数据结构课程设计,校园咨询,为来访客人提供方便查找景点,最短路等信息-data structure course design, campus counseling, visitors find convenient spots, the most short-circuit, and other information
常用算法的C语言描述。里边算法非常详尽。解压即可使用。-common algorithms described in C language. Inside algorithm very detailed. Decompression can be used.
数据结构――C语言版配套源代码-Data structure- C language version of matching source code
The crystallize of the initial study, one class examination system of calculator, everyone gives order to point out.-The crystallize of the initial study, one class examination system of calculator. everyone gives order to point out.