▍1. 1-4
离散中的求主析取范式和主合取范式 用MFC工具完成(The Lord of discrete disjunctive and conjunctive normal form the main tools used to complete MFC)
数据分组处理算法GMDH源代码是自组织数据挖掘的核心算法,具有很强的泛化能力,相比回归分析法可以处理小样本数据(GMDH packet processing algorithms source code is the core of self-organizing data mining algorithm, which has strong generalization ability, compared with regression analysis can deal with small samples)
智能大厦自动报警系统 access 数据库,功能强大,可供初学者,或者业务相关的人学习(Automatic alarm system of intelligent building access database, powerful, for beginners, or business related people)
vc ado经典实用小程序vc ado classic utility applet(vc ado classic utility applet vc ado classic utility applet)
数据库备份恢复经典代码程序Database backup and recovery procedures classic code(Database backup and recovery procedures classic code Database backup and recovery procedures classic code)
数据库ado经典实例讲解Classic examples to explain the database ado(Classic instance of the database ado explained Classic examples to explain the database ado)
软件界面友好,包含了进销存的基本功能,可在此基础上进一步开发。 (Friendly software interface, contains the basic functions Invoicing can be further developed on this basis.)
数据库静态游标管理教程Database management tutorial static cursor(Database management tutorial static cursor Database management tutorial static cursor)
数据库安全性过程分析教程A course in the process of database security (The process of database security tutorial A course in the process of database security)
MFC架构下,通过ADO方式连接Access数据库的实例,事先了完整的添加、修改、删除功能,VS2010编写。特点是实现了数据库中日期数据类型的读写,比较有借鉴意义。(MFC framework, connected through the Access database, ADO instance, in advance of the complete add, modify, delete function, VS2010 preparation. Feature is realized in the database to read and write the date data type, compared with reference.)
数据库操作类,完数据库的操作简单易用,详细请看包内的使用说明(Database operations class, complete the database is simple to use, detailed instructions within the package see)
说明: power builder 常用函数中文详解(power builder commonly used functions in Chinese Xiang Jie)
本例子是在VC下用ADO链接ORacle数据库的一个实例,在界面中通过输入数据源名,用户名,密码,点击链接之后,若是成功,则会在listbox里显示所有的表,当双击某一个表时,则会在右边的listcontrol 中显示相应的表中数据。(this application is a good example to connect Oracle with ADO under the enviroment of visual C++ 6.0.After entering your datasource name,uer name,and your code ,click the connect button ,if no error,you will see all table of the datasource.the datas will show while you double click a table in the list box.)
VC项目开发全程实录(书籍光盘)非常实用的资源!(VC project development throughout Record (Book CD) is very useful resource!)
MDAC(Microsoft Data Access Components)是微软数据库访问组件,Netpise和许多利用数据库的软件都需要操作系统安装MDAC。很多用户的操作系统中已经存在了MDAC,有些是操作系统内置的、有些是其它应用程序安装的。(MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) is a Microsoft database access components, Netpise and many need to use the database software operating system to install MDAC. Many users of the operating system already exists in the MDAC, some built-in operating system, some other applications installed.)
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自己写的用ADO操作数据库,添加,删除,修改功能,显示在listctrl上,已经数据导出EXCEL。(ado )
MFC实现的,数据库操作,ACCESS,适合初学者(MFC implementation, database operations, ACCESS, suitable for beginners)