▍1. chebfun-svd
求解O-S方程特征值,可以适用于多种条件下的O-S方程特征值计算(To solving OS Equation characteristic value, can be applied to a variety of conditions OS equation eigenvalue calculation)
求解O-S方程特征值,可以适用于多种条件下的O-S方程特征值计算(To solving OS Equation characteristic value, can be applied to a variety of conditions OS equation eigenvalue calculation)
几个多目标求极值的Matlab算法,包括模式搜索法、Rosenbrock法、单纯形法、Powell法、最速下降法、共轭梯度法、牛顿法、信赖域法(Matlab algorithm, several multi-objective extremum including pattern search method, Rosenbrock method, simplex method, Powell method, the steepest descent method, conjugate gradient method, Newton' s method, trust region method)
RPCA的求解方法(利用拉格朗日乘子法,进行迭代)(the solution of RPCA called ALM)
数值方法的5个重要的算法: 1.[Dirich.m] 求解拉普拉斯方程的狄利克雷方法. 用于偏微分方程的数值解 2.[Hamming.m] 汉明方法是用来修正微分方程的多步预测。 3. [Milne.m] 米尔恩 - 辛普森差分方程求解方法,用于预测校正方法。 4. [Rkf45.m]龙格 - 库塔 - 沃尔伯格错误控制和步骤的方法求解微分方程的近似解 5.[Romber.m]著名的龙贝格积分源代码。计算结果存在并显示为下三角矩阵。(Numerical Methods in five of the more important algorithms: 1. [Dirich.m] to solve the Laplace equation Dirichlet method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations 2.[Hamming.m] Hamming method is the multistep forecast corrected differential equations. 3. [Milne.m] the Milne- Simpson method as a differential equation solver used forecast correction method. 4. [Rkf45.m] Runge- Kutta- Wahlberg error control and step method for solving differential equations approximate solution 5. [Romber.m] the famous Romberg integral source code numerical integration, the presence of computable results show a lower triangular matrix.)
求非线性系统的相平面轨迹、平衡点时,编写采用一步仿真计算状态轨线斜率的函数M文件(Phase plane trajectory of nonlinear systems, the equilibrium point, write step simulation state rail line slope function M)
多导体传输线之间的串扰问题,通过BLT方程求解。(Crosstalk between the multi-conductor transmission line problem solving BLT equation.)
石墨烯量子态密度计算,采用紧束缚近似以及薛定谔方程,计算态密度(Graphene quantum state density calculated using the tight-binding approximation and the Schrodinger equation to calculate the density of states)
利用拉格朗日松弛法求解机组组合问题,考虑领域搜索的随机性(Using Lagrangian relaxation method to solve the unit combination problem, considering the randomness of the search field)
最小二乘支持向量机工具想的设计,及其使用工具箱的指导手册。(The least squares support vector machine tool design think its use toolbox guidance manual.)
地统计学中的克里格插值法,Matlab编写,内有详细的说明。(failed to translate)
长期规划可靠性计算,计算10年的电力系统可靠性代码(reliability assessment)
采用分段逐步计算,结合快速傅立叶变化,计算群速色散和自相位调制在光纤中对所传输的飞秒脉冲的影响。(Using split-step computation, combined with Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm, calculated the influence to transmission of the femtosecond pulse about the group velocity dispersion and the phase modulation in the fiber.)
电力系统谐波潮流计算程序,根据各个节点谐波电力发射值采用解耦算法计算各个节点谐波电压(Harmonic voltage power system harmonic flow calculation procedures decoupling algorithm based on the harmonic power emitted value of each node, each node)
三维数据点拟合空间球体的算法,利用最小二乘法实现空间球的拟合。(3D data points fitting the space sphere algorithm using the method of least squares fitting space ball.)
实现位场数据的向上延拓运算,有效的消除数据中的噪音及浅部干扰。(Realize the potential field data upward continuation operator, effectively eliminate the noise in the data and shallow interference.)
Douglas-Peucker algorithm for a 2-dimensional data with example in matlab.