▍1. curthr1
完成地震数据的curvelet阈值重构功能算法简洁注释详细(Completion of seismic data the curvelet threshold reconstruction algorithm is simple function comment in detail)
完成地震数据的curvelet阈值重构功能算法简洁注释详细(Completion of seismic data the curvelet threshold reconstruction algorithm is simple function comment in detail)
matlab实现捷联惯性导航解算,四元数更新姿态矩阵。(SINS solver matlab)
hankel矩阵生成函数介绍及函数代码。(Hankel matrix generating function introduction and function code.)
最小二乘法的证明及matlab程序,附有文字说明和程序源码(The method of least squares)
利用地震方位属性进行反演,获得各向异性强度和方位参数;同时对计算结果进行归一统计性处理。(Property inversion, seismic orientation anisotropy and orientation parameters and normalized statistical processing of the calculation results at the same time.)
主要是基于matlab编程的机器学习的各种算法的实现,对补补基础很好(Matlab programming machine learning algorithm, Bubu basis of good)
dft频率测量算法,主要针对电网频率的测量(the dft frequency measurement algorithm)
计算基尔霍夫近似下镜面与非镜面的反射系数,同时得到距离散射点2米的接收功率(Calculation Kirchhoff approximation of specular and non-specular reflection coefficient, while the reception power obtained from the scattering points of 2 meters)
converts a binary undirected adjacency graph into a hypergraph. The output is a non symmetric matrix where the columns are the vertices and the rows are the hyper edges.
matpower2机5节点程序进行潮流计算(matpower2 Machine 5 node program)
三次B样条最小二乘拟合,附文献,Approximation of data using cubic B′ ezier curve least square fi tting,Author: M Khan(Cubic B-spline least squares fitting and literature. Approximation of data using cubic B ezier curve least square fitting, Author: M Khan,)
利用FDTD算法简单计算波导耦合环的M文件。( M-file of using FDTD approach simulation the waveguide coupling ring)
振动控制理论 三自由度系统地震激励下 主动控制和半主动控制以及无控制系统的响应( vibration control )
t_tide潮流分离更新新版本。可以针对潮汐与海流进行有针对性分离。(t_tide trend separation to update the new version. Targeted separation for tides and currents.)
波束域 MUSIC 算法跟经典MUSIC 算法相比,具有更小的分辨信噪比门限(Beamspace MUSIC algorithm compared to the classic MUSIC algorithm, with smaller resolution and signal to noise ratio limit)
模糊最小二乘支持向量机,用于剔除偏离较远的数据点,减小野值的影响(Fuzzy least squares support vector machine for the deviation from the data points far removed, to reduce the impact of outliers)